The date

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"God it feels so good to be home!" I thought as I get off the greyhound bus. I stood in front of my old house smiling. "Hey man welcome home!" I turn around to see one of best friends and neighbor shadow walking up. "It's good to be home Shadz!" I replied giving him a bro hug. "I see you and rouge kept up my house for me. You really didn't have to man." I said as i flip through my wallet to pay him, but Shadow pushes the wallet away. "No need to pay us back Knux. We wanted to make sure you came home to a clean house. Plus if you really want to pay me back buy us some drinks the next time we all hangout at the bar." Shadow chuckled and I laugh with him putting up my wallet. "Deal" I said. We wave goodbye and I head into my house. On the table was a gift basket with grocery gift cards, bottle of rum, candy, and a picture of all of us after college graduation with a card attached to it saying, "Welcome home Knux we missed you!" making me smile. I read everyone signatures as I open up one of the candies as I sit on my couch. I get to one particular signature with a heart at the end of her name that makes my heart skip a beat. "I wonder how Amy is doing?" I thought as I get up placing the card on the coffee table. The past year I couldn't get Amy out of my mind and I don't know why. "I wonder if she still works at the bakery?" I thought. I leave the house and start walking to town. It was a nice 30 min walk from my house. I look around at the early Halloween decorations in store windows and doors. "Yep this place hasn't changed one bit." I thought and smiled. The sweetness of fresh strawberry cake and chocolate fills my nose as I walk closer to the bakery. I walk in and the sweet aroma over powers my senses. A light Blue sparrow girl waves to me as I walk up to the counter. "Welcome to MK Sweettooth sweets how can I help you?" She chirped. "Um does Amy Rose still work here?" I asked. "Unfortunately no she left two months ago." She said with sadness in her voice. "Oh ok." I said sadly. "Could I please get the lemon filled danish with a regular coffee please." "Of course Knuckles!" She said. "You know me?" "Oh yeah Amy always talked about how you been traveling and wondering how you were." She smiled. "Wow really?" "Yep. Here ya go! Please come again!" "Thanks" I replied. As I start open the bakery door I hear a loud thud and turn to see I had just hit a woman with the door. "Shit I'm so sorry!" I said helping her up. "Are you ok?" I asked watching her dust herself. "Its alright and yes I'm ok thanks f-" her eyes widen and I feel my heart beat faster. "Knuckles?!" Amy smiled and hugged me. "Ames I hardly recognize you! Your hair has gotten longer." I hug her back. "I heard you were back in town I was actually on my way to see you before meeting up with Peach." She smiled. "Yeah I was actually looking for you" I said rubbing the back of my neck blushing. "Oh really?" She said raising her brow. "Um yeah listen I know this is sudden but umm" I feel my face really burn up. "I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner at my place and maybe go for a moonlit walk after." I look up at her blushing. She smiles and blushes as well. "I didn't know you cooked." "Hehe.... Yeah I do gotta feed myself right." I let out a small laugh. "I would love too, Knux." She smiled pushing back a strand of her pink hair. "R-Really?" I stuttered heart racing. She nods smiling that beautiful smile of hers. "Yeah it'll be fun. See you tonight around 6?" "Yeah sounds good." "Ok see you then Knuckles" she smiled walking away. "Yes" I muttered happily as I walk to the store to get stuff for tonight's dinner.

Amy's POV

Rouge called me telling me telling me Knuckles was back in town. I was so excited he's been on my mind for the past year. I look at the time and see I got enough time to go see Knuckles real quick before meeting up with peach. I remembered he loves those lemon filled danishes so I decided to pick one up for him. I parked my car nearby the bakery and was putting my keys in my purse when I was hit with the bakery door. The male voice asked if I was ok helping me up. As I was telling him it was alright my heart started racing when I looked into a pair of purple eyes. "Knuckles?!" I smiled and hugged him. We started talking and the next thing I knew it he asked me out on a date. Of course I accepted and was very excited but nervous at the same time. As I walked back to my car I was squeaking like a mouse in happiness. Once I arrived at The winery and peach could tell I was very happy. "What's gotten you so happy?" She asked sipping on a strawberry wine. "Well Knuckles is back in town and I ran into him.... Well more like he accidentally hit me with the door" I laughed. "We talked and HE ASKED ME OUT!" I squeaked and peach squeaked in excitement with me. "He is super handsome especially since you been thinking and crushing on him this past year." Peach winked. "I know I know.... I'm just happy he might feel the same way ya know?" I smiled sipping on a very nice red wine. "Oooo I might get this for tonight. But I know Knuckles likes white so what's a good white wine here?" I asked looking at the different kinds. "This one" peach points to the label. "It's a good conversation starter and goes well with many meals" peach smiled. "I'll take it!" I smiled and couldn't wait for tonight's date.

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