Last day of Trip

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I wake up extra early to surprise Amy with breakfast on the balcony to watch the sunrise

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I wake up extra early to surprise Amy with breakfast on the balcony to watch the sunrise. I bring her favorite Peppermint honey tea, strawberry cream cheese toast, and fresh blackberries. I get everything set up and gently wake her up. "Hey Amy wake up I got one last surprise for you." I smiled seeing her emerald green eyes open with a smile on her face. I cover her eyes and walk her out to the balcony. She gasp and smiles seeing the table decorated with our breakfast and candles lit. "Oh Knuckles this is so beautiful!" She said hugging me. "Thought our last full day should end with a stunning view of the morning sunrise" I said as I held out her chair. "She smiles as she sits down and sips her tea. "Oh my favorite tea you really get me knux" she said smiling. The sun starts to peak over the mountains I watch her green eyes glow by the suns light looking like a goddess. She gets up and sits on my lap holding me as we watch the sunrise together. It was perfect.

I watch Knuckles and Shadow load up the motorcycles back on the trailer as Rouge and I put the luggage in the trunk of the vehicles. I wish this trip lasted longer than a weekend because I was having such a good time. I look down and realized I forgotten my necklace knuckles got me on the nightstand. I went back and headed to our room. I picked up my necklace and put it on smiling. Before I walked out I overheard Shadow and Knuckles talking downstairs getting the snacks we bought. "So according to rouge you made this trip very romantic for Amy." "Well yeah Shadz she deserves it. She's been through a lot lately." "Like what?" "Shadow you know what." "You're right sorry. Soooo you really want to marry her?" "What the how did you?!" "You talk in your sleep when you nap dude. Now be honestly do you?" "Well yeah I do Shadz but it's too soon we only been dating for a month and a half now." I feel my heart skip a beat. He wants to marry me?! "Honestly I think you should ask her" "Shadz just because you and rouge got married after 3 months of dating doesn't mean I want to rush Amy." "Ok ok man." "Look I'll see you guys back in town I need to head upstairs to get my jacket." "Ok see you later Knuckles" I hear shadow leave and start up his truck as knuckles foot steps climbs the stairs I try to hide but it was too late he walks in a freezes. "Oh Ames I thought you were already in the car." He stuttered. "I forgot my necklace on the nightstand I see you forgot your jacket." I smiled blushing. "Yeah Um you didn't hear anything did you?" "Actually I heard everything......." I said smiling. "Honestly I was kinda thinking the same thing...... since the day at the underwater cave." I smiled and see a sigh of relief on his face. He walks up to holding my hand.

"Well if that's the case will you marry me Amy Stella Rose?"

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