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Few weeks later

"BOO!" Mario and Sonic jump out of a dark closet. I stand there raising my eyebrow. "Seriously nothing?" Sonic asked me. "Nope" I replied lifting up the Halloween decorations. "Dang Knuckles does anything scare you?" Mario asked. "Well of course but not your alls sorry excuse of a scare." I smirked chuckling. "Humph!" Mario said crossing his arms. "I thought it was a good" he said. "Well maybe it'll work someone more gullible now you two gonna stand there or help me bring the decorations out. You know Katherine won't be happy if we don't finish this in time." I said. "Halloween is still a week away man. Besides I could get these done no problem." Sonic said as he dashes through the building getting all the decorations up they way Kat wanted it. He skidded to a stop. "See all done" he smiled. "Great less work for me" I smirked walking away patting his back. "Wait.....YOU TRICKED ME!" He yelled as I burst out laughing.
"Great you guys!" Kat said walking in. "Mario I need you to head back to studio 5 to redo the ice level really quick we found a glitch." She finished. "I'm on it." He said starting to walk out when she stops him. "Oh and ask Peach if we were still good to use the ballroom at her castle for the company Halloween party this weekend." "You got it Kat!" Mario said walks out. "Hey Ames" he said passing Amy in the hall.  "Hey Mario" she replied as she walked in. "Hey knuckles you ready for lunch" she said smiling. "Yeah let me just throw the boxes back up here and I will be on my way" I said lifting the empty boxes back in storage. "Ok!" She smiled. Sonic smiles seeing the two of us so happy and glad we all talked everything out a few days ago. "Knuckles I'll get those you go on ahead." He said as he takes the boxes from me. "You sure?" I asked. "Yeah man go have lunch with your girl." He smiled pushing me to Amy. "Well if you say so man." I grinned taking Amy's hand. "Have fun!" He shouted.

I look at the Halloween/October specials on the menu excited to try Witches Brew souraritas with grilled chicken pasta. I look up at knuckles sipping on his water and enjoying the free butter rolls. "Well what can I get you lovely folks this afternoon?" Our waiter asked. "I would love a Witch's Brew Sourarita and Grilled chicken pasta please." I said smiling closing my menu. "And for you sir?" "I'll have a Budweiser with the grilled shrimp steak, broccoli and Bake potato please." "Alright how would you like your steak?" "Medium rare please." "All right I'll brings those out to you." Our waiter smiled taking our menus and walking away. "Soooo any plans for Halloween?" I asked taking a bite out of a roll. "Actually I was gonna ask you what you wanted to do. I haven't really celebrated the past two years." He said looking down. "Well maybe we could go to a haunted house, pick up some dinner and snuggle up watching horror films." I smiled. "Really? No dressing up?" He asked. "Well I am for the company party remember." I giggle. He chuckles himself. "What are you going as?" I asked. "Im just wearing a werewolf hoody with matching gloves" he said. "What about you?" "It's a surprise" I teased as he chuckles. "Well I can't wait." He smiled.

Night of the company Halloween Party

I step out my new Chevy Tahoe in my ripped boot cut jeans, Werewolf hoodie, and green converse

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I step out my new Chevy Tahoe in my ripped boot cut jeans, Werewolf hoodie, and green converse. I give the valet my keys as I walk up the steps. Amy wanted me to go ahead since she's running late with Cream and Daisy. I walk in and grab a glass of "blood" wine from one of the serving trays. Tails walks up dressed up as the grim reaper. "Hey knux nice costume!" He said pulling back his hood showing his skull face paint. "You too tails how many souls are you claiming tonight" I joked and he laughs as Luigi walks up as Gomez Addams. "Guessing our girls are running late?" He laughed finishing his glass of rum. "Yep but hey it's always worth it!" I said taking a drink of my wine. "That is true" he chimed. "Hey guys!" Peach said walking up dressed up as Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. "Hey peach." We said. "Great costumes!" "Thanks you too" tails said. Mario walks up dressed up like Harry Potter. "Couple costume?" I said. Mario nodded but doesn't seem to mind. "At least it's something cool" he teased as she giggles. "So where's Amy, Daisy and cream?" Peach asked. Before ether of us could answer Daisy voice booms behind us. "BOO!" She yelled making Luigi and tails jump into my arms dropping my glass and she laughs. "Ha ha gotcha!" She said flipping her black wig. She's dressed up like Morticia Addams and cream is dressed up as a sugar skull girl. "You girls look great!" Peach said. "Thanks you too peach!" Cream replied. I drop both Luigi and Tails on the floor and dust off before grabbing another glass from another passing tray. "Where's Ames?" I asked taking a sip of wine. "Right here knuckie~" she said. I look at her and spit out my wine. "Hot damn!"

She smiles and giggles

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She smiles and giggles. "Awww I didn't mean fir my big bad wolf to spit out his drink~" she giggled giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Amy you look so cute!" Katherine said walking up dressed like Indiana Jones. "Thanks when knuckles said he was a werewolf I was so excited that we both were unknowingly going to match!" She said with a smile.
"Awwwww how sweet Rosie" a familiar voice called out. We turn around and are shocked to see a brown chipmunk walk up dressed like a sexy devil. "SALLY?!" We all said. "Hey guys look who I ran into today and got back together with." Sonic said dressed as a vampire. "Cool" Amy said with a bit of pain in her voice. "Hey Ames wanna get something to eat at the snack table" I asked. She smiles and nods taking my hand and we leave the group. "Ok I heard that pain in your voice." I said wrapping my arm around her. "It's just that I can't believe he would get back together with someone that tormented me through high school and college...... he said he will never be with someone like that..." "I know Ames." I hold her tight. "Don't worry at least we're here together and we are going to have a good time." I smiled and wipe away a tear. "You're right let's have fun!"

I'm glad knuckles cheered me up I really needed it. Fuck Sonic and sally I'm with my strong handsome Knucklehead. Speaking of which I wonder where he is? I look around the party and bump into sonic. "Sorry Ames!" He said. "Hey have you seen Sally?" "No have you seen knuckles?" "No" "that's odd wanna look for them together?" "Yeah" We began walking around until I see two figures on the balcony. "Sonic over here." I said. We see knuckles smoking a cigarette as sally walks up behind him. "Hey there knuckles" she said making him jump. "What do you want sally?" He said in a unhappy tone. "Nothing just wanted to talk to you" she said smiling. "Why would I ever talk to you. You have tormented Amy for years. For the love of god you humiliated her at the junior prom!" He said pissed. "That's in the past I'm a changed woman." She said in a seductive tone. "Your tone says otherwise why don't you go find your boy-" she interrupts him by kissing him. I look over to sonic who ears cold and eyes filled with heartbreak. He pushes her off. "The fuck is wrong with you sally!" Knuckles said in anger. "What your much more cuter than sonic and I bet your much better in bed too." "Your crazy if you think I'm going to cheat on my fiancée and hurt my best friend again." "Again?" "He was hurt when Amy and I got together I did feel bad but I wasn't gonna lose Amy and when I tell her and sonic what you just did-" "Are they really going to believe you? I mean if sonic was mad at you for taking Amy away imagine if you tell him your trying to take me away while cheating on Amy." She smiled. "I rather risk loosing sonic as a friend then keeping this from him, even if I loose Amy too I'm not keeping this from her ether. You haven't change you're still a whore." "I agree" sonic said all of a sudden walking up to them. I follow behind him. "Oh Sonic!" "Save it Sally! I saw and heard everything! I can't believe you still haven't changed!" Sonic said his heartbroken. "You need to leave sally." I said with my arms crossed. "Fine whatever!" She growled storming out. "Sonic-" sonic hugs his best friend. "You're the best man I'm glad to have you as a brother and I'm glad Amy has someone loyal." He said with a smile and thumbs up. Knuckles nods. "Me too brother" they hug again.

The rest of the night was less tensed and everyone had fun.

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