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*I love this song and it fits perfectly with what happens in this chapter.*

 "Jaxon?" He stopped and turned to me. Everyone stopped. "We'll catch up." They nodded and continued to walk. I looked at the ground, ashamed to even look at him. I saw his black and red DCs in front of me. He pulled my head up by my chin.

"You don't have to hide from me, ever." I looked up at him. This man was willing to kill himself if I did. People always say they will die for me or follow me to hell, and I know they believe it, some might even mean it, but what he was willing to do, the pain on his face of losing me. No one had reached me like that, he made me want to fight because the thought of him dying made me sick.

"How did you get out of the vines?"

"I had a vision of you, dead on the ground with that knife in your heart. I screamed and ripped them off." I choked back a sob.

"Would you have really done it or did you say that hoping I would stop?" He grabbed both sides of my face, caressed my cheeks with his thumbs.

"I meant every word. Yes, I would have. And I will tell you and show you every day that I meant each word. I won't live without you cupcake." He kissed me softly. "We should catch up, we have a war to plan for." He held my hand and we started walking back. "I will admit, I regret pulling out now." He laughed.

"Well now, maybe we shouldn't have sex until after the war then." He stopped, I tried to keep walking, but he pulled me back to him.

"You wouldn't, would you?"

"Oh, I would and I would tell you every time I took matters into my own hands." I chuckled.

"Okay, Okay, you win. I won't try to knock you up until after the war." We continued walking. "If people just heard us they would think we are crazy."

"Hey, being crazy isn't bad all the time, but speaking of crazy. I'm sorry you had to see me like that."

"I'm not, you were impressive, well until the whole knife thing. But the way you control the weather was pretty cool."

"How much of my rant did you hear?"

"All of it and we will talk about that later." We walked up to a set of double doors with two guards outside them. "You ready for this?" I squeezed his hand.

"I have to be." The guards opened the door. We entered hand in hand, we walked to the end of the room where the guys are. Dad had them at the table with him, Eren, Ezra, the head warrior and the rest of the council members. Jax pulled the chair next to Ezra our for me to sit, and then he sat next to me. Dad stood up and the room fell silent.

"It has come to my attention of an incident at the party last night. The demon prince made his way in undetected and approached my daughter." There was some muttering. "The reason she went into hiding was because the demons want to use her to destroy all of us, so they can rule. They want to use her to create the first demon wolf hybrids." More muttering, then a voice spoke up.

"So, you're saying that it's her fault that our mates, children, and packs are in danger?" The man said and I tensed up, trying not to show his words bothered me. Jax squeezed my hand and all my men growled at the man.

"Alpha Mason." Ezra spoke. "It is not my sister's fault. She never asked to be born the white wolf or a royal. This is no different that a rogue attack or pack takeover. Most times, it's no ones fault but the attackers' greed. These creatures are doing this for greed, they want to rule over all the supernaturals, NOT just us. My sister would rather die than to have anybody get hurt." He's amazing. He's going to make a great King one day.

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