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I watched from the tree, I didn't want to distract her. I felt my heart stop when he put his hands around her neck. But my queen won't go down that easy. I watched everything, pride filling my heart that I will get to marry this amazing woman. When she walked over to the group of demons, I decided to jump down. I was too busy watching her that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings. I was slammed against the tree trunk and the tip of a knife broke my skin above my heart.

"Hello, leech." I glared at him. "She might have won and saved everyone, but I still get to take the one she loves the most away. I get to watch as I break her completely." Fuck. I broke my promise to her. "Hey Kitten!" He yelled, everyone turned towards us, they made a way for Elyse to go through. She looked in bad shape, her face was covered in blood. Her eyes were flashing between her and Aurora. "There is my beautiful mate. Congrats on defeating the demons. I really thought I gave them a fool proof plan. You won the war but you will lose your precious leech!" She growled and pulled out a gun, she pointed it at him. She had a gun on her the whole time?

"I hate that fucking word!" He just laughed at her.

"You can't kill me, I'm your mate. And no one would dare kill me because it will kill you, isn't that right, Kitten?" What? My eyes widened as I looked at her, she said it would hurt her, not kill her.

"I'm so sorry." She lowered the gun, I wanted to tell her it was okay but this asshole started to laugh. He looked at me and I was ready. "Corbyn!" She screamed. As he turned his head towards her, I heard the gun go off. I watched as it went through his head. No. No. No. NO!

"NOOOO!!!" I screamed as I ran to her, and I caught her as she fell. "NO, baby, no. Don't leave me, please! I begged as I cried, everyone was freaking out, I could hear the guys trying to get through. She reached her hand to my cheek and just stared at me. Her eyes got dull and started to flutter shut. "No, come on, keep your eyes open, please." I looked up to the moon. "Please don't take her from me!" I screamed hoping the moon goddess would hear me. I heard the guys show up and then I heard a scream that broke my heart, Rylie. She fell to the ground in Hen's arms. Then I heard the worst sound in my life, the one that stopped my heart. Her's stopped beating. I picked her up and ran, the fastest vamp speed I ever had, to the hospital.

"Put her on here." They were prepared.

"Her heart stopped a few seconds ago." As I said that the nurse got on top of her and started doing CPR as they wheeled her away. I fell to my knees and cried like I have never cried before. Every thing hurt, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. I didn't want to live, not without her. I didn't hear the others come in, I couldn't look at them. "It's my fault. It's all my fault." I started pulling at my hair and just kept repeating that it was my fault. I felt the wind, someone slapped me, but I was so numb, I didn't feel it. I looked up to see Rylie, her face stained with tears. I deserved to be hit, I deserve to be hated. She sat in front of me and grabbed my hands.

"You don't get to fall apart. Not yet." She said.

" I'm sorry Rylie. It's my fault, it's all my fault."

"It's not your fault. She knew what was going to happen and she knew what she needed to do. She couldn't let him kill you, even if it meant she dies. Do you realize the strength it took for her to do that? He was her mate, they completed the mating process. We can not hurt our mates, our minds physically can't register to harm them, no matter how bad they are, and she found the strength to kill him to save you." I just stared at her. Hen came over and helped her up. I looked around at everyone, they all looked like a part of them died. Ezra was crying. I've known him my whole life and I have never seen him shed a tear. My dad was holding Gen. My mom came over and sat next to me. She pulled me to her and rubbed my back as I started to cry again.

"It's okay baby. She'll come back. She has to." We sat like that, waiting for six hours, no one leaving or sleeping. Finally, the doctor came out. Everyone stood up, I hung behind everyone else.

"The princess coded four times. In the last two hours she hasn't coded once. Her heartbeat is weak, but it's there. Now it's a waiting game to see if her and her wolf have the will to live. I'm sorry that I don't have better news."

"But, she's alive, right?" Cat asked.

"Barely, but yes. Two people at a time can go see her." I sped out of the hospital. Everyone was out in front of the hospital. Ever single person she saved. There were thousands of people waiting to hear about her, but I just zipped past them. I couldn't see her, not like that, I don't care what anyone has to say, it's my fault that she's barely alive. I made my way to the garden, it's our spot. I laid on the bench and replayed everything from the moment we met in person. I thought about her laugh and how every time I heard it my stomach would flip. The night she first kissed my cheek, it was the softest thing I have ever felt. The morning of her birthday when she came to thank me for the flowers by kissing me. She took my breath away, I never had a kiss before that feels like it does every time I kiss her. Laying in bed, holding her has become one of my favorite things in the world to do. Our fingers fit together like they were meant to be together. I started to think about what our future would have looked like. I sat through the whole day, night and the next day. I never left the bench. People tried to talk to me but I couldn't hear them. Now it was in the middle of the night, that's when I realized what I needed to do.

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