A distortion of space and time.

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3rd person pov: Hisui region.

In the land of ancient Sinnoh known as Hisui a white and red quadrupedal fox is seen walking in the frozen tundra known as the Alabaster Icelands. This is a Pokémon known as Hisuian Zorua.

It walks effortlessly through the snow as it is suddenly caught off gaurd by an odd bubble surrounding it

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It walks effortlessly through the snow as it is suddenly caught off gaurd by an odd bubble surrounding it. It is seen falling asleep as the bubble and Zorua are no where to be seen.

3rd person pov: Remnant.

A woman wearing a white cloak is seen sitting on the porch of a cabin in the middle of a forest with a three year old girl wearing a red cloak playing withe a five year old girl with blonde hair. Her name is Summer Rose and she's watching over her daughters Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long.

Summer: "You two stay close to the house. I'm gonna check if the cookies are done."

Yang: "Yay mom's cookies are the best!"

Ruby: "I love mommy's cookies more than anything else in the whole world!"

Summer enters the house and as she does Ruby and Yang continue to play. That is until a purple buble appears in the middle of their yard. They look at it confused as to what it is.

Ruby: "Yang what is that?"

Yang: "I don't know? Let's ask mom."

Ruby nods and they enter the house to soon exit with their mother.

Yang: "It just appeared as soon as you left."

Ruby: "Yeah it was like 'poof' then it was there."

They focus on the bubble as it starts to let off a sudden energy. They back away to avoid injury when suddenly the bubble disappears revealing a white and red quadrupedal fox seemingly asleep.

Summer: "What is that thing?"

Ruby is seen with stars in her eyes.

Ruby: "IT'S A PUPPY!"

Yang: "Ruby it's a fox."


Yang: "It looks like it's hurt. Mom can we help it?"

Summer: "What?"

Ruby: "Yeah! Can we? Can we?"

Summer: "I'm not sure girls we don't know what it is or even what it eats."

Yang: "But you help all sorts of people. If we want to be huntresses then we could start small by helping this fox."

Summer stops and ponders the idea for a moment.

Summer: "Fine. We can take care of it, but we need to be careful. We don't know if it's aggressive or not."

Ruby: "What?"

Summer: "We don't know if it will hurt us or not."

Ruby: "Oh."

So they take it inside and treat any wounds it may have. A man soon enters the house. His name is Taiyang Xiao Long. The father of Ruby and Yang as well as husband of Summer.

Taiyang: "I'm back from the store. You wouldn't believe the traffic today. It was like all of Remnant was heading to the same destination."

Summer leaves the girls to watch over the mysterious fox while they snack on the cookies she made them as she informs her husband of what happened.

Tai: "A fox that appeared out of a bubble? I'd have to see it to believe it."

Summer: "Follow me then."

She heads over to the girls.

Summer: "See."

Tai sees the fox and is shocked.

Summer: "I think we should let Ozpin know about this."

Tai: "Well I agree, but we should wait for it to recover first."

Summer: "Agreed."

Night arrives and everyone in the house is asleep. Well all except one hyper active three year old.

Ruby: "Ha. I outsmarted everyone."

Ruby is seen with a pillow and blanket. She sets the pillow down beside Zorua and lays down. She then decides to cover up Zorua and Zorua seems to smile at this act while sleeping.

A/N: Well that's the first chapter done. I hope you all like this story.

A Baneful fox on Remnant. (RWBY x Pokémon).Where stories live. Discover now