Zorua's origins.

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3rd person pov:

The Rose and Xiao Long family are watching a movie with Zorua sleeping on Tai's lap. It has been two weeks since Zorua fought the Beowolf. The family continues to watch the movie when Zorua suddenly starts squirming in his sleep.

Ruby: "I wonder what he's dreaming about?"

Summer: "We may never know."

Suddenly Zorua starts glowing with a dark energy surrounding him.

Yang: "What's happening?"

Tai: "I have no idea."

The energy Zorua is coated with expands and everyone flinches ready to get hurt, but they aren't. They all open their eyes and see they are standing in a house that isn't their own.

Ruby: "Where are we?"

Summer: "I don't know girls, but stay close to me or your father."

Yang: "Okay."

???: "Come on Leah. Zorua is still hiding. We can't let him win again."

Leah: "I'm trying Sophie. I can't find him. He's to good at hiding."

They all turn around and see two girls. One is about Yang's age and the other about Ruby's.

Leah: "Zorua we got some Oran berries for you! Come and get it!"

She seems like the older of the two. She has brown hair and green eyes wearing a orange kimono.

Sophie: "We also got some Leppa berries too! We know you want them."

She is younger with black hair and blue eyes while she wears a purple kimono.

Tai: "Excuse me girls do you know whe-"

Tai is cut off as he approaches the two young girls and they run towards him and phase through him.

Summer: "What in the world?!"

Ruby: "Are we ghosts?"

Yang: "I feel alive. I think we're still alive."

Suddenly a door opens and a man with black hair and green eyes enters the house.

Leah: "Dad your home!"

Sophie: "Papa's back!"

???: "Hey there girls. How has your day been?"

Leah: "Great! But could you help us?"

???: "Sure what's the problem?"

Sophie: "We were playing hide 'n seek with Zorua, but we can't find him."

???2: "I told them it was a bad idea, but they were fixated on the idea."

They see a woman with brown hair and blue eyes enters the room.

???: "There's my beautiful wife. How was your day Viola?"

Viola: "It was great John. I assume yours was good?"

John: "It's much better know. I actually got some news for everyone. Zorua come here. You need to hear this!"

An odd noise is heard as the Rose Xiao Long family turn around and see a black quadrupedal fox that looks a lot like the Zorua they know.

Yang: "That isn't Zorua. Is it?"

Tai: "There is a lot of similarities to them. There's no question to that."

John: "Well now that everyone is here I have some news. We are moving to the Hisui region."

They hear a voice as the scene seems to freeze.

???: "That was one of the last days I was really happy."

The Rose Xiao Long family look around and see their Zorua look at the black furred Zorua.

???: "Everything changed once we moved to Hisui."

The scene changes and takes them to a different house.

John: "Hey girls, why don't you two go introduce yourselves to the kids of the village while we unpack?"

Leah: "Okay dad. Could we take Zorua with us?"

Sophie: "Please daddy."

John: "Of course girls."

The girls run off and make friends of the children of Jubilife Village. Zorua however took its powers of illusion to do its usual trickery to the townsfolk. A few days pass quickly as the townsfolk are seen bursting the door down of Zorua's home and grabbing Zorua and taking it away.

Zorua looks towards them as the mysterious voice speaks again.

???: "I suggest you keep an open mind as to what your about to see."

The scene changes as Zorua is seen at the outskirts of the village bleeding and bruised as its fur changes from black to white and its red markings get longer.

???: "That day I died and was reborn as what is now known as Hisuian Zorua."

The scene shows Zorua walking into the village and going to the house their family lives. The door is cracked open as Zorua nudges the door open. Crying is heard.

Leah: "Where did they take Zorua dad?"

Sophie: "Will Zorua ever return?"

Zorua is seen looking happy and let's out a cry that gets their attention.

John: "What abomination is that!"

Sophie: "Daddy please don't let it hurt us."

Leah: "What is it?"

Viola is seen grabbing a broom and scaring Zorua away.

???: "That was the day I lost my family. The day I lost my home."

Everything returns to the Rose Xiao Long household. Everyone looks towards Zorua as he is seen sitting and crying.

???: "I'm a Zorua. We use illusions to help us survive and mess with others. We are timid and tend to run, but once we are become Hisuian Zorua our temperment changes and we feel such resentment and malice towards humans that it gets hard to control ourselves."

Zorua looks at them.

???: "What you hear now are my thoughts that I'm relaying to you through my illusions. However you might call it telepathy."

Tai: "So what we all just saw was-"

Zorua: "Was my past, and what brought me here. I understand if you want me to leave. Just know I appreciate everything you did for me."

Zorua walks towards the door when Ruby suddenly picks him up.

Ruby: "We wouldn't just abandon you after what you did for me and Yang."

Yang: "Yeah you saved our lives. How could we hate you because of your past?"

Zorua is seen with tears in his eyes.

Tai: "You went out of your way to avoid hurting us even after what people have done to you. You gave us an opportunity to get to know you and we love you for who you are."

Summer: "Even though your powers are hard to believe we still see you as one of our own."

Zorua struggles to hold back tears while looking at all of them.

Rose Xiao Long family: "Your apart of our family, and nothing will change that."

Zorua bursts into tears and enjoys the fact that he can be himself and finally be accepted for who he is.

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