Proper Gentleman- T.R.

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Description: Tom Riddle moves to America and meets a girl of the 21st century

Warnings: Daddy issues(?), slight swearing

Word count:1.6k

A few weeks ago, Tom moved to America. His father got a job offer that he couldn't pass up. This meant Tom has to spend his last few years at Ilvermony, the American Hogwarts. The transition wasn't difficult, academically speaking. The students were another story. A lot of the students had muggle (or No Maj) parents, So they acted like muggles.

Tom had been raised in a prestigious household, he went to etiquette school because his father made sure his family was seen as very put together. Tom grew accustomed to proper conversation, he always used sir and ma'am, never used slang, and had very good grammar.

His mother told him it was best if he made some friends at school. Back home he only had a few friends, well more like acquaintances. He never got close enough to make real friends. He thought that maybe this year he'd finally listen to her.

The boys in his classes weren't people he'd like to associate with. They all told terrible "yo mama" jokes they found off the internet once, and they all shared a strange odor. Everyone seemed to already have a clique, the populars, nerds, popular nerds(there's always a few), and every other clique Tom didn't care to learn about. He had only talked to one person since he came to the school. Her name is Y/N.

She was appointed to show him his classes, they even shared a few. Normally kids only show the student what they're supposed to, but Y/N gave him the full tour. She showed him the hidden parts of the school she liked to use when she wanted to be alone. They only spoke once or twice since then, the occasional wave in the hallway.

Right now he was sitting in his astronomy class, his teacher explaining their next major assignment. Something about constellations, he wasn't really paying attention until he heard "partner work". He had been dreading this event for a while. There was always a partnered assignment, where he'd have to work with some mouth breather who didn't care about the grade. And of course, they didn't get to choose their partners.

The professor started listing off the pairs, most were people he'd never heard of. "Y/N L/N and Tom Riddle" When Y/N heard this, she looked around for Tom, finding his eyes already on her. She sent him a small smile that he returned. Tom was relieved he got Y/N, he did not want to do the project all by himself.

Turning back to face front, something tapped his arm. It was the boy sitting next to him

"ay bro you should holla at her, she bad as hell" he smirked at Tom
"I bet she likes you too"

"But I don't like her" Tom said confused about this whole interaction. Bad? I've never seen her get in trouble before. He thought to himself.

"Trust me, everyone likes Y/N. You look like someone she would like" the boy continued

What does that mean "someone she would like"? Tom just nodded not knowing how to respond wanting to end the conversation.


At the next class meeting, the pairs would choose what constellation they would study. Y/N had spent most of yesterday trying to pick the perfect constellation she thought Tom would like. She would ask what he wanted to do of course, but she wanted to make sure there was a backup plan.

The Professor gave her usual speech followed by what was to be expected of the project. When she was finally done, all the students were to pair with their partners. Y/N moved from her spot in the front to the middle where Tom was, seeing her coming the boy next to Tom moved.

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