Chapter 9

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Percy POV

This hasn't been productive at all. My fellow gods have done nothing but argue for the last few hours. Finally having enough, I muttered a spell to seal their mouths shut. 

"Finally some peace and quiet. Now, getting back to the very important matter at hand. A group of Titans led an offensive against the camps and therefore against Olympus. And I seriously doubt they were working alone, that means either Kronos the primordials or both are in charge of this operation. So, what are we going to do about it?" I finish, releasing them of my spell. 

"Fight back obviously" replied Ares. 

"And how exactly do you plan to do that?"

"With your help." Said Athena, looking at me directly in the eyes. 

"Woah woah woah, let me stop you there. Who said I was helping, me and the boys are due to leave after this meeting. We certainly ain't sticking around!"

"You must stay. The campers are going to need your help."

" I'm not risking the lives of my men to help a bunch of dense wankers who've tried to kill us multiple times."

"Come on Percy" Apollo intervened "you've got to help them out. They'll be destroyed without you."

"Let them be destroyed for all I care" and I flashed to our cabin to meet with the guys. 

"Jesus Christ Percy" Jaw yelled looking backwards to see me standing there "a little warning next time!"

"Sorry mate, you know where the rest are?"

"I don't know. Bullseye and Scar are probably with Rex somewhere and Alpha's in his lab as usual. Though he seems to be spending more Time there than normal. And boom is blowing stuff up."

"Alright" I say flashing them all into the room. 

"Hey Percy. You've been gone for hours, what the hell were you doing up there." Bullseye asked me. 

"We we're going to discuss the war, but as always the Olympians got sidetracked. They asked us to help out the campers in their war against whoever their fighting."

"And what did you say?"

"I refused. That's what I've called you here for, what are your thoughts on this whole thing. Do you think we should help them out?"

"Theres no way in hell I'm helping those guys." Boom yelled "there the worst. They won't even let me blow up their stuff."

"Yes boom how surprising that they won't let you destroy there stuff." Rex replied

"This is beside the point, do you guys want to help?" I repeat getting frustrated.

"I think I speak for everyone when  I say we don't want to protect these guys," Rex said. A murmur of agreement spread through the group then bullseye spoke up.

"I agree that we shouldn't risk our lives protecting these wankers. But I do believe that we shouldn't ignore threat. I say we look into this in our own."

"How do you suggest we do that?" I inquire.

"I say we split up. I'll go on one of my hunting trips and try to track down who's actually running this whole operation. Assassination is one of my speciality's so sneaking into their base and killing there leaders hopefully wouldn't be to hard. And you guys can be the brute force. Basically just kill the monsters that work are against us."

"No way. It's far to dangerous, your not going on your own into the base of the enemy. No fucking way."

"I think it could work." Rex cut in, speaking slowly "of course I agree he's defiantly not going alone. But I could go with him. And the actual plan itself ain't that bad ."

"If there going I'm going." Scar intervened. 

"No way. This is an awful idea."

"Come on Percy" Rex implored "it's a good idea. We'll be fine. I promise you."

"I swear to god if you guys don't come back alive, I'm going to kill you!"

"Alright, I give you my word that we'll be just fine." Rex called as he and the other two left the cabin and disappeared into the night.

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