Part 7

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With the boys fighting their friends Wu and their wives where watching them-

Issei blocks Kiba's Sword Of Betrayer with his Katanas and kicks him back where Vail comes at Issei with his Balance Breaker and tries to punch Issei but he used his blades to move Vail's fist to Kiba causing Vail to accidentally punches Kiba in the face, Yamato swings his Bo Staff around his neck and it hits Takuya in the face and he grabs it and twirls it around his back smacking Gakuto in his neck also bringing it down onto Shouichi's head, Makoto blocks Sawanaga's fist with one of his sai's and punches him in his face then his stomach, Yuki swings his nunchucks too Akise arms causing him to grab it then back kicks him in the face-

Wu: You see I taught him that.

Momoyo: How can you be enjoying this?

Wu: Why not this is getting fun.

Sirzechs: Really haven't lost your touch huh Wu?

Wu: You know it.

Rias: I just wish this couldn't have happen I didn't want any of this to happen!

Wu: You all made a mistake and your lovers had to pay for it of course you love them but you made the wrong choice you just don't know it but they also miss you too because they still love you just be glad your carrying their children at the end of all this-

Rias: Wait how do you know that we are pregnant with their children-

Wu: Truth be told I am never wrong-

Sekai: Thank You.

Wu: Don't Me-

Then he felt something-

Wu: Oh No!

As Issei, Yamato, Makoto and Yuki where trying their best to beat them a black meteor came down from the sky crashing on the ground smoking purple-

Makoto: What's that?

Wu: My Students Brace Yourselves!!!

Then the black meteor explode causing Rias and Akeno to put up big circle shields to protect everyone even Wu but Issei, Makoto, Yamato and Yuki used their weapons to shield them from the bits of meteor from getting in their face and then everyone saw a strange tall black figure who was standing with armor on him also with four arms-

???:( Laughing Really Evil)!!!!

Rias: Who is that?

Sirzechs: It can't be!

Wu: Gramadon!

Then Lord Gramadon stops laughing and looks at Wu who was standing up-

Then Lord Gramadon stops laughing and looks at Wu who was standing up-

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Lord Garmadon: Well! Well! Well it's nice to see you

Then everyone eyes widen-

Issei: B-Brother?

Makoto: I-It Can't Be!?

Then time slowed down for everyone but Wu, Lord Garmadon, Issei, Yamato, Makoto, and Yuki-

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