Chapter 20

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"Oh, dinnertime," I said.

"Oh, pizza!" Sméagol exclaimed happily. "Sméagol loves pizza!"

"What's pizza, Precious?" asked Gollum.

"Only the best freakin' food ever created," I said. "You wanna try it?"

"Yes!" Gollum said excitedly. "Let's go eats, my loves!"

We hurried down the stairs to the kitchen.

Hayley looked at Gollum, and flashed a huge smile. "Awwwwww!" she cried. "You're wearing one of Sméagol's onesies! Oh, you look so cute!" She rushed over to him, and gave him a big hug. "Oh, and you smell so good!"

Gollum blushed.

"You ready to eat?"

"Oh, yes, very hungry I am, Precious," Gollum replied.

"Okay, I got two kinds of pizzas. One of them has anchovies."



Gollum's ears perked up. "Fish?!"

Hayley giggled. "I knew you'd like that."

So, Hayley set the two pizzas in the center of the table as the four of us sat down to eat.

"Oh, I forgot." Hayley got back up to grab the slurpees off the counter. "Blue Raspberry for Cheyenne."

"Thanks," I said.

"Cherry for Sméagol."

"Thank you, Sweetie," said Sméagol.

"And, Strawberry for Gollum."

"Thank you," said Gollum. "How do I drinks it?"

"You suck it up through the straw," I said.

"That's what she said," Hayley mumbled.

Sméagol and I snickered.

Gollum, however, was confused. "What?"

"It's a sex joke," I chuckled. "We'll explain later."

"Oh," Gollum laughed softly. "What flavor does Hayley have?"

"Watermelon," Hayley replied.

"Come, try some pizza," Sméagol encouraged Gollum, placing a slice on his plate.

Gollum slowly picked it up, and carefully examined it. Then, he took a small bite, and slowly chewed it up.

"How is it?" I asked.

"Very tasty," Gollum said in delight.

"You like it?"

"I loves it!"

"See? Isn't pizza the best food ever?"

Sméagol giggled. "One of the best foods, Precious."

"Try your slurpee," Hayley said. "And, be careful. It's cold."

Gollum took hold of the straw and sucked, but nothing came up.

Hayley giggled. "No. No, you have to put the straw in your drink first. Then, you suck it."

"Oh." Gollum put the straw back in his drink, and carefully took a sip of his slurpee. "Oh, this is delicious!"

"Oh, good. I'm so glad you like it. Hang on a sec." Hayley got up for a moment, opened the pantry, and pulled out a bag of chips. "Anyone want some Doritos?"

"Me, please," I said.

"Oh, yes, please," said Sméagol.

"Gollum?" said Hayley. "You wanna try a Dorito?"

"Alright," Gollum said eagerly.

Hayley handed Gollum a chip, and watched as he popped it in his mouth. "You like it?"

"Oh, I loves it!" he exclaimed.

"You want some more?"

"Yes, please!"

Hayley smiled as she poured some chips on Gollum's plate. She poured some on my plate, Sméagol's, and her plate, too. Then, she put the chips away, and sat back down with the rest of us.

The four of us enjoyed our dinner, and afterward, Gollum helped Sméagol and Hayley rinse the dishes, and put them into the dishwasher while I threw away the trash.

"Well, did you enjoy your very first proper meal?" asked Hayley.

"Oh, very much, Precious," Gollum said graciously. "Thank you so very much, beautiful Hayley."

Hayley smiled and blushed. "Aww, you're welcome, Sweetheart."

"Hey, guys," I said with my tongue out, "is my tongue blue again?"

The others looked over at me, and burst out laughing.

"It sure is!" Hayley teased. "You look like a Smerf!"

Gollum and Sméagol laughed.

I snickered and laughed like a silly little girl.

"Ya goofball," Hayley teased.

Sméagol giggled. "You're so silly."

I laughed. "I like being silly."

Gollum grinned. "Awww, so cute you are."

Sméagol and Hayley giggled as I blushed.

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