Chapter 31

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"Come," said Gollum, taking hold of Hayley's hand, "I wants to show you something, Precious." He led her to the field, and over to the cave.

"You know, I never noticed that cave, until a few days ago," said Hayley.

Gollum gestured to the entrance.

"No way," Hayley said nervously. "I–I can't go in there. I–I mean, there's probably bats and snakes and other creepy things in there."

"No, not in this cave."

"I–I can't."

"It's alright. Nothing I will let happen to you. I protects you, my friend."

Hayley took a deep breath. "Okay." She held Gollum's hand tightly as he led her into the cave. "Oh, this isn't so bad."


"But, why are you showing this to me?"

"It's the dark. I loves the light now, Precious, but I still loves the dark."

Hayley looked around. "Yeah, it's nice," she agreed.

"Lie down with me, Precious."

Hayley grinned. "Why not?"

The two laid down on the cave floor, just holding hands.

"I can see why you like the dark so much," said Hayley. "It's very relaxing."

"Yes, very peaceful it is," Gollum agreed. "Let your mind wander. Let all the world fade away. It's just the two of us now."

Hayley felt a little nervous at first, so she grabbed onto Gollum's arm. Then, he put his arm around her.

"It's alright," he said sweetly. "I am here, Precious. Don't be afraid."

Hayley rested her head against Gollum's chest as she realized she was safe with him. "So, what did you three do today?"

"Sméagol and Cheyenne gives me music lessonses."

"They did?"

"Yes. They teaches me lots of lovely songses. Sméagol teaches me how to plays piano."

"Oh, that's awesome. Did you enjoy it?"

"Very much, yes."

"You know, if you want, I can give you voice lessons, show you different techniques, cool things you can do with your voice."

"Oh, yes, very much I would love that."

"I mean, you already know how to sing, how to control your breathing. I guess it came naturally for you, but there's still some other neat things you can do with your voice."

"I don't knows if I can hits high notes like Sméagol does."

"Well, Sméagol's voice is much higher than yours, even when he speaks, but you can still learn to sing falsetto. I can also teach you how to lilt and cover."

Gollum looked confused.

"Don't worry. I'll teach you what that stuff is. That is, if you want me to."

"Yes, I would, Precious."

"Okay. Did you do anything else?"

"We watches Celtic Woman."

"Ohhh, Celtic Woman," Hayley said happily, "aren't they amazing?"

"Yes, amazing they are. I loves them."

"Me, too."

"Cheyenne says she wants to takes us to see them live."

"Oh, hell yeah! Definitely! She and I can even get backstage passes, so you can meet them. Would you like that?"

"Oh! Yes!" Gollum said enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, yes!"

Hayley giggled. "Well, alright then. I think you'll enjoy it. They're some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and if you think their concert DVDs are good, they're even more incredible in person."

"It sounds lovely."

"It is." Hayley nuzzled up in Gollum's arms. "You know, I don't know what I was so scared of. I mean, even if there were creepy crawlers in here or scary animals, you wouldn't let them hurt me. I mean, I saw how you took down that Goblin. You kicked its butt."

Gollum giggled. "How does it know so much about me, Precious?"

"It's kinda hard to explain," Hayley said awkwardly. "I'll tell you later."


"Right now... I'm just really enjoying being here with you."

"I enjoys being with you, too, Precious."

Hayley grinned. "It's so cute how you call everyone Precious. I mean, I know it's because of the Precious, and it's your favorite word, but... part of me feels like you actually really mean it when you call people that."

Gollum smiled warmly. "I do... Precious."

They both giggled.

"Just like how Sméagol does, too," said Hayley. "You know, you two are more alike than you think."

"We are? How?"

"Well, you're both sweet, loving, kind, caring people. You both love onesies with zippers and long tails."

"Just like you."

Hayley giggled. "You both want tails... just like me." She laughed awkwardly. "You both have some of the most beautiful singing voices in the world."

Gollum smiled flirtily. "Just like you."

Hayley snickered. "You're both so innocent and child-like, yet so wise. You've both been through hell, yet you both had positive attitudes, never gave up. You're both very determined. Once you set your mind to something, you never, ever give up."

"You are, too, Precious, very determined. You never gives up on Cheyenne."

"Nope, and I'm never giving up on you, either."

Gollum's face lit up. "You are... the first person to ever say that to me."

"Well, I mean it, Sweetheart. I've set my mind to you, and I'm never, ever gonna give up, ever."

"I won't ever gives up on you, either, my precious."

"Awwww." Hayley wrapped her arms around Gollum, and they both stayed in the cave for a few more minutes, just holding each other, enjoying the dark.

Then, they finally came out of the cave, wiping the dirt off their bodies.

"Oh, crap!" Hayley laughed. "I haven't gotten this dirty since I was a kid!"

Gollum laughed. "Sorry, Precious!"

"It's okay. I can wash these onesies, and we can get showers when we get back. Besides... I enjoyed it, and I'd love to do it again."

"I enjoyed it, too." Gollum looked into Hayley's eyes again, and for a moment, he almost seemed like he was going to kiss her. Then, he stopped himself, and the two friends went home again, where Sméagol was cooking dinner. They had just enough time to each get showers, and change into clean onesies. Then, we all sat down to a delicious meal of fried fish and chips.

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