Chapter 53

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It was Christmas Eve, and we all woke up to see the ground covered in white.

"Oh, my gosh, guys!" Hayley exclaimed. "Look! It's snowing... on Christmas Eve!"

Sméagol rushed over to the kitchen window to look outside. "Oh..." he said breathlessly, "it's so bright, so beautiful, so lovely!"

"Isn't it? Come over here, Gollum. Look at the snow."

Gollum always hated the snow when he was still under the influence of the One Ring, so he was a little skittish at first. He hesitantly tiptoed up to the window to look. This time, the brightness of the white snow did not bother his eyes as it had previously done. "Oh, it's... it's very lovely, Precious," he said.

"It's our first white Christmas since..." Hayley thought for a while, "since our last Christmas with Daddy."

Sméagol's heart melted. "Awwwww."

"Does it not snows much here?" asked Gollum.

"Not a whole lot," said Hayley, "but sometimes, yeah. But, we very rarely ever get snow at Christmastime."

"Oh, Sméagol wants to plays in it!" Sméagol exclaimed innocently.

Hayley chuckled. "Okay, we can do that. I'll go change into my snowsuit."

"Sméagol go change into thick, warm onesie."

"Oh, me, too, Precious," Gollum said eagerly, following Hayley up the stairs.

Then, Sméagol looked over at me. "Don't you wants to come plays with us, Precious?" he asked, noticing the unsure look on my face.

"Um... I don't know," I said hesitantly. "I have trouble getting around in the snow. Like, I trip and slip really easily."

"Oh, Sméagol won't let you falls, no. Sméagol protect you."

"But, it's also really cold."

Sméagol wrapped his arm around me, and kissed my forehead. "Sméagol keep you warm, Precious. Nice and warm, yes."

I thought for a second. "Okay. I'll get ready."

Sméagol squealed with delight as we both hurried upstairs to change. Because of my sensory issues, instead of a snowsuit or long pants, I wore a thick, velvet skirt, long socks, a soft, thick aron sweater I got in Ireland with a tank top underneath for an extra layer. I also had a knitted sweater jacket with no buttons or zippers on it, very sensory friendly, and a pair of slip-on boots, also sensory friendly for me. I hurried to the bathroom to answer the call of nature and brush my teeth, and came out to see Sméagol in a thick, pink, knitted, plush onesie with a hood with bunny ears, a very long, fuzzy, springy tail, and of course, a long zipper down the front. With his onesie, he wore a pair of pink, furry boots to match. He looked so cute, cuddly, and sweet.

Gollum wore a darker pink kangaroo onesie, and if you really have to ask, yes, it zipped up in the front. Come on. Don't you know by now that Gollum and Sméagol always wear things that zip up in the front? Anyway, he also wore a pair of pink, furry boots to match. Hayley wore a white, furry snowsuit with a long, fluffy tail in the back which she had sewn on herself.

"Awwww, you guys look so cute!" Hayley cried. "Hey, Cheyenne, I got you something." She went back into her room, and came back out with a knitted sweater hat. "Here you go, Sweetie."

I rubbed my hands against the soft sweatery material, and put it on my head with a silly grin on my face. "Now, I'm totally sweatered," I joked.

Sméagol, Gollum, and Hayley all giggled.

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