Chapter 40

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After dinner, we all gathered in the living room with the football game on TV. Hayley, Sarah, and I weren't football fans, but Jamal loved it. Gollum and Sméagol had never seen football before, but they both seemed to enjoy it.

As everyone chatted away, I sat on the couch, stimming and playing with my favorite sweater blanket, and giggling and squealing softly.

"I remember watchin' football wit' my family," said Jamal. "Only time I ever felt like they actually loved me."

"Awww, well, I'm glad you have some good memories with them," said Hayley.

"What kind of parents kick their kid out for being bisexual?" Sarah scoffed.

"Homophobic Christians," said Hayley.

"More like fuckstabs," said Sarah. "Sorry."

Jamal laughed. "Nah, it's cool."

"So, you're an LOTR fan?"

"Ah, hell yeah."

"Me, too."

"Really? Who's your favorite character?"

"Frodo Baggins," Sarah said with a gleam in her eyes. "He's so cute and sweet and beautiful and adorable."

"Ooh, sounds like you got a crush on him."

Sarah giggled. "A little."

Sméagol smiled. "Bless Master. He reminds Sméagol who he is."

"Yeah, he was a good guy," Jamal agreed.

"I was a horrid little wretch to Master," said Gollum.

"Nah, don't beat yourself up, bruh. That stupid ring made you do all that shit."

"That ring was so ugly," Sarah joked.

Gollum and Hayley snickered.

"Frodo and Sam were awesome, man," said Jamal. "Ultimate friendship goals. Always wished I had a best friend like Sam."

"Well, now, you've got a bunch of friends," said Hayley.

"Yeah, y'all are awesome."

"You're awesome, too," said Sarah.

"Ah, man!" Jamal barked excitedly. "Touchdown! Yeah, buddy!"

Sméagol and Gollum smiled at the TV.

"Dang, I think they gonna win this shit! Hell yeah!"

Sméagol looked over at me. I was still stimming and playing with my sweater blanket, giggling and squealing like a major dorko. He giggled sweetly. "What are you doing, you silly little sweater snuggler?"

I giggled and squealed even more.

Sméagol stuck his fingers in the holes of the blanket, and tickled me gently.

I giggled even more.

Sméagol giggled as he continued tickling me with his fingers and the soft blanket. "You're so cute," he said in the cutest voice ever. "My little sweater princess." He kissed my forehead.

I continued giggling. "Sweeeaaaterrr!" I said in my soft, squealy "sweater voice."

"Sweeeaaaterrr!" Sméagol imitated.

"It's so fluffy and soft and tickly!"

"Yes!" Sméagol giggled. "So snuggly and cuddly, just like my baby!" He wrapped the sweater blanket around me, and held me close, tickling my sides.

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