Chapter 30

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Later, Hayley found Gollum, sitting on the back porch, looking out at the beautiful view. "Hey," she said. "Whatcha doin'?"

"Oh, just thinking, Precious," said Gollum.

"Can I join you?"

"Of course."

Hayley sat next to Gollum. "Whatcha thinkin' about?"

"The trees, the sky, the grass, so beautiful it is."

"Yeah, it is, isn't it?"

"Never did I see that before. So afraid I was of the light."

"So, you couldn't appreciate nature."

"No. All I wanted was the Precious, so I could go back to my cave in the Misty Mountain, in the dark forever. Now... all I want is... light... laughter... love, not a ring of power."

Hayley smiled. "I'm so happy to hear that, Sweetie."

"I still loves the dark, but... I don't needs it like I used to."

Hayley thought for a moment as she looked around. "You wanna go for a walk?" she suggested.

"Oh, very much."

"Okay. Let's go."

"In our onesies, Precious?"

"Mmhmm. I do it all the time. I love walkin' around with my tail wiggling behind me." She giggled. "Nobody really judges me for it, and if they do, it doesn't bother me."

So, Hayley and Gollum walked around the neighborhood, still in their onesies. Gollum looked at everything around him––the trees, grass, colorful leaves falling, and the gorgeous houses.

"Isn't it beautiful?" said Hayley.

"Oh, very beautiful, Precious," Gollum agreed. "All the leaves are so colorful."

"Yeah, like a rainbow. Only thing is, when they fall off the trees, everything'll look so bare and dead. It's the one thing that makes me sad about the fall. Everything dies."

"But, it all comes to life again in the spring."

"Yeah, it does. Although, I do love the winter. The snow, it's so beautiful, almost like angel dust. It's cold, but that just means I can go sledding in a big fuzzy onesie."

"You loves onesies, doesn't you?"

"I do. They're so comfy."

"Yes, very comfy they are, Precious."

"You like 'em, too?"

"So much."

"I'll have to buy you some of your own. You like the zippers?"

Gollum giggled. "Oh, yes, zipperses makes me giggle."

Hayley giggled. "Me, too. I love the sound they make when you zip 'em up and down."

Gollum giggled.

"And, when you zip yourself into a onesie, the whole thing kinda vibrates, and it's so funny."

Gollum giggled even more.

"And, the way they feel against my skin..."

Gollum ran his fingers down his zipper.

"What about your tail? Do you like that, too?"

Gollum took hold of his tail, released it quickly, and burst into giggles as he felt it wiggling and bouncing.

Second Chances: The Return of GollumWhere stories live. Discover now