Chapter 45

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Soon, it was the first day of December, and all of Greenflower, Virginia was lit up with colorful lights. There were Nativity Scenes everywhere, trees covered in lights and sparkling ornaments, and people wore red and white hats and colorful sweaters. The stores were jam packed with shoppers, and there was happy, cheerful, festive music playing everywhere. It was all so new to both Gollum and Sméagol. Although, Sméagol was familiar with some of the songs, as they were songs we'd been rehearsing for our upcoming concert. Yes, it was Christmastime, and Hayley and I were more than eager to share it with our new friends.

That afternoon, Hayley arrived home with Jamal following behind with something in the bed of his truck. He and Hayley lifted it out, and dragged it through the front door together as Gollum and Sméagol watched with curiosity.

"What's this?" asked Gollum.

"It's a Christmas tree," said Hayley as she and Jamal carried it over to an empty corner in the living room, and carefully set it up together.

"There we go," said Jamal. "I think that's good."

"Yep," Hayley agreed, "perfect. Thanks for helping."

"'Ey, no problem. I'll see you at work."

"Okay. Bye."

"What's a Christmas tree, Precious?" asked Gollum.

"It's... well... it's a decoration people put up for Christmas," said Hayley.

"What's Christmas?"

"It's a celebration of the birth of Christ," said Sméagol. He had some knowledge of Christmas from our choir rehearsals.

Exactly," said Hayley, "and at Christmastime, we put up gorgeous decorations, exchange presents, sing songs and carols, all sorts of fun stuff."

"Like, for us, our family comes in to visit," I said, "and on Christmas Eve, we go out to dinner with them."

"And, on Christmas morning, when it's just us, we have a delicious breakfast of sausage gravy and biscuits. It's our grandparents' recipe. Then, we sit in front of the tree, and exchange presents while we listen to Christmas music."

"Then, later, our family comes over, and we have an awesome Christmas dinner."

"Yep, our mother makes the best prime rib and roast potatoes."

"You mean... taters," I joked.

Hayley grinned. "Yep."

Gollum and Sméagol giggled, as they remembered how Samwise referred to potatoes as taters.

"And, our Auntie Leslie makes the best mac and cheese," I said.

"And, we have green bean casserole," added Hayley, "all sorts of yummy food."

Sméagol and Gollum's mouths watered.

Hayley continued. "Our cousin, Teresa, usually makes dessert, but I don't think she'll have time this year. She's got a lot on her plate with the new baby."

"Oh, Sméagol make dessertses, Precious," Sméagol chimed in eagerly.

"Aww, that would be great, Sweetie."

"Is Teresa coming in?" I asked. "I wanna get to meet the new baby."

"She said she was."

Sméagol's face lit up. "Baby?"

"Yep," I said. "She just had a baby girl right after Thanksgiving."

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