chapter oneee

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     chapter one - Prince Meeko of the Air Kingdom

     Prince Meeko was falling asleep in his last meeting of the day. How is it possible that some people can sit through three hours of political conversations and not fall asleep? After the meeting was over Meeko practically leaped from his seat with excitement. He walked to his bedroom and as soon as the door was closed he collapsed onto the bed. The silks had just been washed and felt amazing. Meeko closed his eyes, and soon after he had fallen asleep.

     When Meeko woke he heard mumbling from outside of his room. He quietly snuck out of bed and he gently pressed his ear to the door, it was the two guards stationed outside his sleeping chambers.

     "Did you hear about the first case of the plague was diagnosed in the air kingdom?"

     "Literally everyone has heard of it you moron, it happened last night around midnight"

     Meeko couldn't believe what he was hearing, the plague? In his kingdom? now? He rushed back to his closet, snatched his outfit for the day and threw it on. He slammed open the doors to his room and speed walked out of his room. The guards behind him started following him at a respectful distance. He stormed to the meeting room. His adviser Flit was already in there along with a couple other important officials, including the best doctor in the kingdom.

     "I'm guessing you heard about the case Your Majesty?" She asked, concerned.

     "Sadly, i overheard two of my personal guards murmuring about it" Meeko said, glancing at the two guards still standing in the room, they showed no emotion whatsoever.

     "Will this affect the Lunar Ball? I know the Ice Kingdom will be coming even with the plague, so perhaps we should go too," Meeko murmured, almost to himself. Meeko had always been looking forward to his chance to go to the ball. The Lunar Ball was an event held every year for single royalty and their advisers and wealthy nobles. They were to find a forever partner. Although, it seemed sort of stupid to Meeko, the food sounded decent and, oh how Meeko loved dancing. He had taken lessons as a child but his mother had insisted that a prince should have better things to be doing with his time. Which if Meeko was being completely honest, was probably true.

     "Your Highness?" Flit asked, concerned.

     "Oh, sorry, i must have dazed off. What were you saying, Flit?"

     "Well, we came to a decision that it is mandatory that you make it to the ball" Flit hesitated then said, "in order to find the future princess."

     Meeko didn't want to think about that. He had told himself he wouldn't bring up an arranged marriage until it was a reality. He sighed, and hastily changed the subject.

     "Where and when was the first case diagnosed?" Meeko asked.

     "Around midnight last night in one of the outer towns, Your Highness," the doctor announced. It was hard for Meeko to process this information, it was still hard to believe that the plague had somehow spread into his kingdom. But, what if-

     "Are we going to press charges against the Ice Kingdom?" Meeko asked, almost scared to hear the answer. The Ice Kingdom was where the plague had first been diagnosed. It hadn't spread to any other kingdoms, except his.

     "We don't think we should make any accusations yet, Your Highness, but we were thinking we should at least speak to them," Flit said in her usual "matter of fact" voice.

     Then, Meeko thought of something he couldn't believe hadn't come to mind until now. What happened to the person diagnosed with the plague? Are they okay? Has the plague claimed then already?

     "How is the person diagnosed with the plague doing?" He asked, terrified of what their answer would be.

     "We have quarantined them to the medical chambers and we are currently running tests, we don't know how long they will survive for but i assume it won't be much longer, Your Majesty," the doctor said formally. Meeko looked at Flit for a split second and when he glanced at her, she was already gazing at him. Meeko blushed, looking away as quickly and causally as possible, he guessed Flit did too considering she wasn't talking.

     After a moment of silence, Meeko tried to break the awkwardness. "Did they have any symptoms? We should make sure to warn the kingdom," Meeko said, worried that he would have more cases.

     "They had purple-ring-like bruises near their wrists and they started spreading up their arms," the doctor said, starting to look a bit pale and worried. Meeko guessed it was because this was such a gruesome subject. The person diagnosed was pretty much getting a death sentence. Meeko thought that maybe he should send a note of sympathy to their family, if they had any.

     "Well, it looks like we will have to end the meeting now, Your Highness," Flit said, almost hastily. Meeko was almost disappointed but made sure not to show it. He called off the meeting and everybody exited. He glanced at Flit one more time before leaving. After a couple seconds of walking, he ran into his mother. He was a bit surprised to see her but he made sure not to show it, that was one good trait that being at court and in politics for many years left on you, learning to disguise what you feel. "Hello, mother"

     "Good morning Meeko. I assume you discussed the plague with everyone?"

     "Yes mother. We discussed it," Meeko's mother, Queen Dyani always makes him nervous. She just has this way about her. You never know by the way she is looking at you if she wants to kill you, or hug you.

     "Good. Well I have a couple royal meetings to attend right now. I expect you to have your outfit for the ball ready and your suitcases packed. I will have the maids take the suitcases to the carriage," Queen Dyani stated.

     "Yes mother, right away." He headed to his room to pack all the clothes he would need for a two day stay, along with his suit. It was jet black and classic with a green tie.

thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed my book, this is just a rough draft and sorry if there are any grammar mistakes ^^ i don't have any posting schedule, but i'll try to update regularly!

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