seven chapter

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chapter seven - Love at First Sight

     Everyday for three months Haven has been counting down the days till the ball, and the fact it's just two days away is incredible! Haven was currently in her light blue carriage, just hours away from the kingdom of love. She was in the carriage with her two personal guards and a couple advisers. She had so much luggage that they needed a whole other carriage for it. She started daydreaming about dancing with a handsome prince at the ball and then laughed to herself, that was silly, something a little girl would dream of.


     After the long ride, Haven finally arrived. She was wearing a silk navy blue dress, that was down to her knees. It was her favorite dress that she was constantly wearing. As Haven gracefully hopped out of the carriage door, she spotted the queen and her two little brothers.

     "I'M SO EXCITED TO MEET EVERYONE! I DID SO MUCH STUDYING ON THE KINGDOM OF LOVE THE LAST COUPLE OF DAYS!" Haven yelped with joy as she happily walked toward the beautiful castle. She could tell the three were very stern and knew what they were doing. Haven knew exactly how to act to have them like her, don't interrupt, be proper, and always use your manners, of course.

     "Hello Princess Haven of the water kingdom. We are glad you could come to this royal lunch today," Queen Margret said sternly but welcoming as she led the people of water kingdom in,"Today we will be having the lunch at noon, after the lunch we will go on a tour around the kingdom. But till then, I will guide you to your dorms, and you can do whatever you please." Haven couldn't wait for lunch, and better yet the tour! Shes always wanted to see the kingdom of love's castle since the day she could speak. She walked inside of the castle and the breath was snatched from her lungs, the interior of the castle was stunning, absolutely stunning!

     As she was led to her room, she glimpsed all the other rulers. And one caught her eye. She realized it was the Prince of the Ice Kingdom, Prince Cole. He was terribly handsome. With smooth ice blonde hair and fair, pale skin. And his eyes... his eyes were bluer then the sky itself. She shook her head telling herself to snap out of it. Finally she arrived in her room and took a deep breath of fresh air, the room smelled of roses. She looked around, it was mostly a cream color and pale blue with gold embellishments. Haven decided to look around, there was a desk, a dresser, and her bed, with a bathroom attached to the back wall. She looked on the desk, there was a laminated schedule laying on it. Lunch at noon, a tour of the gardens at two, and free time until dinner, at half past five. She only had about half an hour before lunch so she decided to touch up her makeup and change into a more casual outfit so she could walk around easier.


     Lunch was delicious but it was a bit awkward and it was pretty quiet. she kept glancing at Cole, Haven couldn't help herself. All the rumors about him were true, he was incredibly handsome. And she may or may not have caught him staring at her once. Or twice. Gosh why couldn't Haven stop thinking about him. Why did it matter if his eyes were the bluest eyes she had ever seen. SNAP OUT OF IT HAVEN! She yelled at herself. She desperately needed something to distract her. Haven decided to try and make conversation with him later, but for now she was going to try and get to know the other royals.


     After lunch, Haven only had about half an hour to do anything so she just decided to grab her book and read on the front steps of the palace, where everybody would be meeting before the tour. Haven headed out and was reading on the front steps before someone came up to her.

     "Hello! Princess Haven, right? I'm Cole, Prince Cole. Of the Ice Kingdom," he said kindly. He seemed slightly nervous though.

     "Hey, and yes, I'm Haven," Haven had to resist the urge to squeal, he knew who she was. Which was a stupid thought, of course he knew who she was, she was the princess.

     "How do you feel about the whole Lunar Ball thing? I mean, who knows, we could get betrothed," Haven hadn't even thought of this, her eyes widened. "Yeah, i don't think i'm ready for it yet but i have to do it for my kingdom," he said, the first part riding on a laugh.

     "Same, I mean, this is my first time going to the ball since I'm only sixteen. I'm excited but I also feel like I'm gonna pass out because of nervousness," Haven said.

     "Yeah, I remember being so scared my first year, that I actually tripped on the dance floor. It was so embarrassing," Cole said, laughing. "So, what are you reading?" he asked Haven.

     "The 'Tales of Tidbit Twitch', it's meant for children but I still love reading it," Haven said, all her childhood memories flooding back.

     "Really? You like that? That's one of my favorite books! I've never met anybody else who likes it as much as me," Cole said grinning. Haven laughed.

     "It is a pretty good book," she said, still smiling.

     "Let me guess, you were bored and had nothing else to do so you came here to read?" Cole asked. A mischievous glint in his eye.

     "Yeah, I decided I had nothing better to do so I might as well read, you know?"

     "Yes, I wonder when-," Cole was interrupted by the other three kingdoms arriving.

     "Prince Cole, Princess Haven, I'm glad you two got here early," Queen Margaret said, smiling knowingly.

     "Time to start our tour through the gardens, then you have dinner at half past five, I hope to see you there," she said, her arms welcoming them to follow her.


     After the tour, Haven was a bit bored and didn't know exactly what to do. So, she thought maybe she could go to the village and look around, and maybe make some friends. Haven went back to her room, put on something more casual, to blend in, and started walking towards the front of the palace. Just as the guards opened the front gates to the palace, someone tapped her on the back. Haven whipped around, suddenly alert.

     "Oh, hey Cole. Sorry, you just scared me," Haven said laughing.

    "No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, where are you headed?"

     "Well, I just wanted to see the village and maybe make some new friends before dinner," Haven said cheerfully.

     "Would you mind if I came with you?"

     "Of course not! Let's go!" Haven said, starting to get extremely excited. Haven and Cole walked into the village and were surprised when they saw what the village had set up. It must have been a celebration for the Lunar Ball. They laughed and laughed while running around and eventually decided they should head back before it gets too late. Haven liked Cole even more now that she had seen this side of him. And Cole was starting to really like Haven because of her bubbly personality. She always made him laugh, no matter what it was they were talking about. They finally arrived at the castle and they said their goodbyes.

     Then it was dinner time, Cole and Haven sat across from each other and kept glancing at each other and silently giggling to themselves, remembering their afternoon in the village. When dinner was finally over everybody said their good nights and headed to their rooms. Haven knew the next day would be the Lunar Ball, and she had come to like the idea of her and Cole getting betrothed. 

hey guys! sorry if i didn't post for a lil bit. and sorry if this chapter is a little shorter then usual. again, i will gladly take any feedback! thank u for reading see u in the next chapter!

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