chapter 6 lol

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chapter six - The Garden of Love

Prince Meeko was being jostled around in the carriage. He never liked traveling. Or change. He looked out the window at the meadows filled with flowers that they were driving by. They were filled with daisies, sunflowers, and tulips of all colors. It looked beautiful. And peaceful. The only other person in the carriage with him was Flit. She was gazing out the window, Meeko could tell she was trying not to show how she felt, he could tell because she always had this concentrated look when she was thinking hard about something and trying to cover it up. He suddenly wondered what she was thinking about. Meeko didn't know why, it was absurd. Instead of thinking about his feelings he decided to start a conversation with Flit. "Are you excited for the ball?" Was all he managed to get out.

"Not particularly, royal balls were never really my kind of thing. I would rather be planning war strategies or eating french toast," she mumbled. Meeko was surprised she had answered at all. He had known about her french toast obsession for a while, he smiled whenever he thought about it.

"Why would you volunteer to come along then?" Meeko asked, not thinking about the words before he said them. He winced, he shouldn't have asked at all, he probably sounded nosy.

"Well, I knew you would probably need help with all of this new Lunar Ball stuff," she said, grinning slightly. Meeko laughed.

"Your probably right," he said, still grinning.

"I'm always right," Flit said, flipping her hair sarcastically. Flit always made Meeko laugh. Although she was only ever truly herself when she was around just him. In royal meetings with other advisers she showed no emotion and always sounded so, well, diplomatic. Meeko liked this side of her.

It got awkward in the carriage once Flit was done talking. They sat in silence for the rest of the ride to the castle. As the palace grew closer, Meeko could really see all the spectacular details and intricate designs that the architects had taken time to add. It was beautiful. The tips of all the towers were a light blue paint that was dulling, but it only made it more beautiful. The castle itself was made of tan colored stone that complimented the blue and gold details. His eyes were wide as the carriage came to a stop. Flit laughed quietly when she saw his face. Meeko flushed, embarrassed. Which made Flit look away, smiling to herself. As soon as the royal family came into view, he saw Flits disguise slowly make its way over her face. "Good morning, Prince Meeko. General Flit," The Queen said respectfully.

"Good morning, Your Highness, the Air Kingdom thanks you for your generosity and, may I compliment how stunning your palace is?"

"It is beautiful isn't it," the queen said, turning around to study her castle. Meeko just realized that next to her, were two boys, one looked to be around 10 and one around 15.

"Yes, are we the first to arrive?" Meeko asked, genuinely curious.

"No actually, the Ice Kingdom arrived yesterday evening. But you are the first who has arrived today," the queen said, all confidence and structure. "I hope you are familiar with the schedule? You have a tour of the Kingdom tomorrow and the Lunar Ball will take place the day after," Queen Margaret said.

"Yes, thank you, Your Highness," Meeko said, suddenly nervous he would say something wrong.

"Well, I will have a couple servants", Queen Margaret gestured to a group of maids behind her, "show you to your sleeping quarters, I hope you enjoy your stay, Prince Meeko."

"Thank you, you are too kind," Meeko said, pressing a kiss to her outstretched hand. For some strange reason, Flit prickled upon seeing this. Meeko couldn't help but smirk as he followed the servants into the palace. Meeko's jaw dropped upon seeing the inside of the palace, it was even grander and more stunning then the outside. All the colors coordinated and the vases of roses lined along the walls made the inside smell delightful. Meeko glanced at Flit and saw that she was surprised too. As the servants led them to their quarters, Meeko couldn't help but realize that he would be spending three whole days with Flit. He stopped walking. Why was he thinking like this? It was stupid and not something prince-like. He rolled his eyes, annoyed with himself.

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