chapter four!

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chapter four - Prince Cole of the Ice Kingdom

Prince Cole had just gotten out of his last meeting of the day. His meetings were usually not super boring but this meeting, this meeting was so hard. Earlier that year his father, whom he was extremely close to, had passed away due to the plague. The meeting was about discussing with him, the Queen, Cole's little sister, and some advisors, they were to talk about who was next in line and what would happen if his grandma, Queen Alaska were to pass away.

Cole walked out of his meeting room, feeling gloomy. The castle had never been the same since his dad... left. His dad was always walking around greeting everyone, including the servants. Cole's grandmother was determined to stay on the throne until she died and Cole was scared that soon, it would be him on the throne. With the ball coming up, Cole was preparing to be betrothed to anybody. He had seen the heirs to all the other kingdoms. Princess Haven, Prince Meeko, Queen Margaret, and soon to be Empress, Linh Akari. According to a couple of his advisers, the emperor had passed away due to the plague a couple hours ago and Akari would take the throne. Cole couldn't imagine himself falling in love with anybody anytime soon. He had always been the structured one, showing no emotion except when necessary. The ball was in a week and he still hadn't found a suit or something to wear to the Lunar Ball.

"Heyyyy mannn wassuppppppp," said Danny, who, sadly, was Cole's best friend. He was always so hyped up about everything, even if it was talking about Cole's dead dad.

"Hello," Cole said unenthusiastically.

"Have you gotten your outfit planned out for the ball yet?" Danny said, putting his arm around Cole's shoulders playfully. "I can't wait to find me a cute girl, what about you, Cole? We should go paint our toenails and get a manicure."

"Yeah, and while we are at it, mind as well get our hair done," Cole said sarcastically, but not smiling.

"I'll go tell the maids to get it ready," Danny said practically falling over with laughter. Cole didn't laugh, or smile. He rolled his eyes.

"Your so annoying, Danny," Cole said jokingly. "I'm going to go and look at all my outfit choices for the ball, i still haven't decided on something."

"Ooh, you go do that," Danny said, almost yelling. Cole rolled his eyes and said bye to Danny. He started walking back to his room. On the way he ran into his little sister, princess Bianca, and she stuck out her tongue at him. He ignored her. Finally, he arrived at his room, he already packed his suitcases, they were filled with pale blue, white, and black coats that were longer, to look more regal. And then just some pants and tunics. Cole sighed. He hated dressing up. He would rather wear a onesie then a suit, but he never told anybody that, instead he kept it to himself. Right as he was about to lay in bed and take a nap, he heard a knock on his door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Cole. Queen Alaska," She said, in a voice that she only ever used when talking to Cole. It was full of sympathy and love.

"Come in," Cole said, hiding the tiredness from his voice.

"How are you doing? Are you exited for the ball? I'm sorry I'm not going, I'm too old and i have already married," She said kindly.

"I'm good, my suitcases are packed and Im ready to go. When do we leave again?"

"Tomorrow around sunrise, we have to leave earliest of all the kingdoms since we are furthest away."

"Alright, well, i'm going to take a nap or try to at least get a bit of rest before we leave tomorrow," Cole said, not trying anymore to rid his voice of the tiredness he felt.

"Okay, just make sure your not late to dinner in a couple hours," Queen Alaska said.

"I won't miss it, promise," Cole said. "Love you grandma."

"Love you too, Cole. Good night," She said sweetly. Cole fell asleep not long after.


When Cole woke it was about fifteen minutes from dinner time. He rushed out of bed, put his platinum hair back into a bun and tried to walk calmly to the dining room. Luckily, he wasn't late.

"Hello Cole, how was your nap?" Queen Alaska questioned him.

"It was fine, I feel a bit refreshed," Cole said, which was only half true, he almost felt more tired then before he took a nap, but it was fine.

"I'm glad, tonight we had the chefs make your favorite meal, spaghetti!" That made Cole's day, whatever was for dinner determined how the day was going to end. Because food is just that important. The chefs eventually brought out the food, and Cole gobbled it down faster then anybody else. Eventually everybody finished and nobody could think of anything else to talk about and so they all headed to their rooms. Cole didn't feel tired so he just laid in bed and thought about the last couple of days and how he was leaving for the Kingdom of Love the next morning.

thank u so much for reading and getting this far! i really appreciate it! good night!

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