chapter ten - the new guy

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chapter ten - The New Guy

Margaret gasped as the chandelier descended to the ground. It had fallen. Onto people. Immediately there were guards at her side. Why were they here for her? Shouldn't they be helping everyone evacuate? She snapped at them to get away from her and help people who needed it.

Her eyes roved through the crowd, analyzing each and every scared face in search of Charles. Had he been killed when the chandelier fell? Practically leaping, she ran down the stairs and into the private wing of the palace. Past doors and guards and corridors. Past people shouting at her and monsters causing cayous. Was this her fault? Had she done something to upset another kingdom? Tears sprang to her eyes — too many questions, too little answers.

She dragged her fingers along the intricately engraved walls with faded colors and blood messily smeared over them and doors torn to shreds and burning until she reached Edwards room. The door swung open as she glanced around. Where was he? Had guards already taken him to safety? Margaret turned around to head out the door, but before she could reach the door, another grotesque monster flew in front of her. She gasped and screamed and cried at the same time — which ended up coming out as some sort of strangled cry.

In the blink of an eye, someone was there to help her. Where the hell had he come from? No time to think about that, he seemed to be rescuing her and she had a chance of surviving — that was all she needed right now. He shoved her away and unsheathed a sword. Margaret couldn't help but scoff. So cliche. A handsome prince has come to save the day. But instead he handed her the sword and bowed before gesturing towards the monster. Take it back, I'm doomed, she thought as she stared at him with wide eyes. He just wiggled his eyebrows and smirked at her gesturing to the monster. She kept staring at him until she realized she was staring at him. Her heart skipped a beat before she turned back to the monster and fumbled with the sword. Should she just turn around and jump out the window behind her? Maybe she'd have a better chance of surviving.

She felt the man rest a hand on her back which sent sparks spiraling through her spine. He grinned at her before directing the sword to facing the monster who had inched closer. He directed the blade, maneuvering it around the monster skillfully. She barely knew what was happening as he—or she, for her hand was on the hilt of the sword too—stabbed the throat of the monster. Margaret gasped and was suddenly painfully aware of all the parts of her that were touching him.

He left the sword in the monster and grabbed her hand, leading her towards the doorway. Before he could lead her out however, she violently pulled her hand from his; Margaret still had to find her brothers.

"Edward! Are you here? Edwa—" she gasped as the man picked her up bridal style and ran back towards the window.

"Stop! What are you doing?" She yelled incredulously. "Let me down now!" He hesitated just slightly before running the rest of the distance towards the window and jumping. Margaret screamed bloody murder and scrunched her eyes closed as tight as she could, as if that would break their fall.

She suddenly hit the ground with a thump and felt a searing pain through her ankle. But, she wasn't dead. She glanced over at the guy sitting next to her on the ground. He stood up lopsidedly, grimacing and holding a hand to his ribs and held the other down to help her up.

"So, Your Majesty, we should probably start running."

"Excuse me? You do not just get to come in and rescue me — but I don't even know if you're good or bad so you really could just be killing me — and then just tell me to run. You have some explaining to do, Mister," she snarled.

As if he couldn't be any more cocky, he held out his hand as if he were expecting her to shake it. She stood there, squinted, and raised an eyebrow. He just laughed and put his hand back into his pocket.

He was wearing peasant clothes but had a clean sheath and sword. Weird.

"I'm waiting for an explanation?"

"Right, sorry. The name is Wyll. Short for Wylliam, Majesty," he cocked his head to the side as if he were studying her.

She grunted and decided to get right to the point. "What do you want? Where are you taking me? And what side are you on of whatever little scheme is going on here?"

"Calm down, Majesty. I'm trying to rescue you, in case you couldn't tell. I'm on whatever side you're on and I don't currently know where we are going, but we should start moving away from here." When she didn't budge he continued. "Maybe any day now?"

"Margaret sighed before caving in and following him into the tangled forest of bramble and spiky trees.


It has been a couple of days of walking, eating, walking, eating, walking, eating, resting, repeating. She was exhausted, but Margaret was not about to tell Wyll of all people that she was tired and wanted a break. Turns out Wyll had hidden some tents and a bit of food and water near the castle which they had grabbed before venturing further into the forest of brambles and bushes.

"Getting tired?" Wyll asked tauntingly.

"You wish," she said, but it came out in more gasps than normal talking. She had never gotten to exercise at the palace. There was never enough time and as queen. Margaret was expected to be working on her hair and planning what she would wear to the next ball or public speech.

"Right. Anyways, we're gonna set up camp in a little bit." He yawned and stretched his arms as he walked and she just raised an eyebrow at him.

"Whatever." She said blatantly. He teasingly threw an arm over her shoulders and her heart couldn't help skipping a beat.

They walked a bit further before they came to a small clearing within all the dark trees. There were boulders scattered around them and they could finally see the sun.

After setting up camp Wyll told Margaret to go gather some wood.

"For the last time! You don't get to boss me around, Wyll. I'm your queen," she stated, hands on her hips.

"Yeah? Well i'm the one who practically saved your life and got you all these supplies and has kept you alive all these weeks," he raised an eyebrow at her. She just scoffed and stormed off into the forest to look for some dry wood or sticks to make a fire that would last them the night.

Lately, she and Wyll had bonded. They had more in common then she thought they would. And, not that she would ever tell him to his face, she didn't hate him. He just always found a way to put light into a conversation.

But she had to get back to the palace when it was safe. She had to figure out who attacked the palace and when they would be back, if they were coming back at all.

"Margaret! How long does it take to pick up a couple of sticks?" Margaret groaned and started trudging back towards him.

"I'm coming. Maybe you can start being patient?" She rolled her eyes before walking back into the clearing. He had taken large logs and placed them around a ring of stones to create a campfire. He dramatically bent in half and bowed to her as she glared at him and placed the wood inside the ring of stones.

He skillfully started the fire and they just sat there and stared at the fire in silence. Her mind drifted towards Edward and Charles. Had they made it? We're they okay? Were they alive?" She felt tears brim her eyes and blinked them away but only succeeded in letting one drop down her cheek. Wyll seemed to notice and inched slightly closer to her on the log. Her breath hitched and she shifted away from him. Not here, not now.

heyy sorry if this chapter was a bit short. okay so i was planning on having wyll and margaret kiss, but i didn't know if it was a bit rushed and i didn't want kissing in almost every chapter. tell me if you would like any changes! also, what do y'all think of ✨wyll✨?

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