chapter two

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chapter two - Princess Haven of the Water Kingdom

     Princess Haven had been sitting on the beach reading for the entire morning. She had gone to the royal library just the other day and found an amazing book she couldn't put down. She was sitting on a blanket her mother had made and was bare foot as the waves tickled her feet. She had been thinking more and more lately about what she was going to wear to the Lunar Ball, since it was her first year, and who she would end up being betrothed to. Haven loved romance novels and had never really imagined herself falling in love. But for all she knew, she wouldn't fall in love at all. She would be told she was in love and then have to spend the rest of her life with someone she probably knew almost nothing about. Everybody always perceived Haven as hard, strong, and boring. On the inside, Haven wanted to befriend everyone and just have fun.

     Finally, Haven decided she should probably get off her butt and help around the palace. She always liked socializing with the maids and chefs, they can be really nice sometimes, once you get to know them. Plus, her mom might be needing her.

     As soon as she opened the doors to the palace she saw her personal maid, Amira. "Hello Amira! How are you? Sorry I haven't been in the palace much today, I found a really good book. Again." Haven said excitedly.

     "Hello, Your Majesty. I'm good! And, I thought you would be excited to hear that i just got engaged!"

     "Oh my gosh! Amira, that's amazing! Have you started planning the wedding yet?" Haven said enthusiastically.

     "No, not yet. I have been busy doing chores all morning preparing your outfit for the ball!"

     "No! I won't let your maid duties and chores ruin your wedding! Take the day off," Haven said, because how could she keep Amira doing chores when she was suppose to be planning her wedding?

     "Your too kind, Your Majesty. Thank you so much, I will be sure to tell my fiancé about this! Thank you," Amira said, Haven could tell she was so happy about this and it made her day. After her conversation with Amira, Haven felt happier, it made her feel good to make other people feel good. After a bit of walking and just wandering around the castle she ran into her mom.

     "Hey mom! Sorry I haven't been in the castle much, I found another great book"

     Her moms posture relaxed as she set eyes on Haven and she hugged her tight. "It's okay, honey. I'm glad you get so into your books! Anyways, i think i found a gown you might like for the ball" Lately Haven hadn't been liking any gowns. None of them were perfect. Haven had never wore an over the top gown to a huge ball before and she thought you had to just connect with the dress but maybe she should just give up and choose one before it was too late.

     "All right, where is it?"

     "Just down the hall" Haven and Queen Harmony walked into the fitting room and Haven gasped when she set her eyes on the dress. It was the most gorgeous gown she had ever seen! It was dark blue and faded to a lighter blue at the waist. The torso was white with shimmering silver lace and the sleeves were graceful sheen silk embroidered with white thread. It was a low neckline but not too low where it was showy. Haven almost teared up. She walked towards the dress and caressed it with her hand.

     "It's- gorgeous!" she tried to whisper, but it ended up being more of a squeal.

     "I knew you'd like it! You should try it on, make sure it fits," Harmony said, like she was stating a fact.

     "Your right. I really hope it fits!" Haven went into the changing room, which was actually a room big enough to be a small bedroom. She tried on the dress and it fit perfectly, it made her feel more gorgeous then she had ever felt considering she always wears a tunic with loose pants and bare feet.

     Haven walked out into the room Queen Harmony was waiting in and spun around a couple times, showing off the dress- her dress. Havens mom gasped and laughed saying "It's beautiful and looks amazing on you, darling, that is definitely 'the one'" she said, surprised of how mature her daughter looked in her dress. She started to tear up. Harmony walked over and hugged her daughter, which was difficult when trying not to stand on the dress. "You look gorgeous, and so old," Harmony said, both sadly and excitedly.

     "Thanks mom! I will definitely be wearing this to the ball!" Haven says with a laugh.

     The ball was in nine days, and her personal seamstress hadn't finished the mask yet, it was suppose to be a masterpiece and Haven couldn't wait to finally see it. She decided that instead of sitting around wondering what she should do, that maybe she could start packing her bags. Haven headed to her sleeping chambers and tried to figure out what to pack. All the royal families were suppose to be staying for a couple days before the ball and then leave the day after. Haven couldn't wait.

heyy! so this is the second chapter introducing the second character: Haven. i hope you enjoyed and i would be glad to hear any feedback you have for me! have an amazing day!

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