Morning Disasters

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It has almost been two weeks since the special classes began. As the bus reached school, I noticed Adam and Shane locking up their cycles at the cycle parking lot in the corner.

"Hey! Good morning guys" I wished them as I walked towards them.

"Oh! Robert your bus came early today huh." uttered Adam.

"No! We were the ones late to school" said Shane as he checked if the cycle was properly locked.

Today was a Thursday ,the day all high school students had an assembly. We all kept our bags in our classes and rushed down in time for the assembly.

Karter and Nasir arrived late so they had to keep their bags in the side as the school leaders didn't let them go up to their classes.

"Hey! Sup bros." said Karter as he took his place in front of me. During assemblies we stand following the height order. Shane, me and my bro Greg were almost of the same height so we stood together.

Since Karter and Nasir were a bit shorter than us so they stood in front.

The assembly began, the assembly is conducted by different classes in order. Today was class IX B's assembly. First began the school prayer followed by the school pledge. We stood under the hot morning sun while the assembly went on. 

"Hey do you still remember our class's assembly last year" I whispered to Shane.

"Of course I do." Shane replied quietly with a smile.

It was pretty hilarious what happened last year. Our group's Einstein, our one and only Stanley, whom I was yet to introduce, had portrayed Stephen Hawking for our 9th grade assembly.

Stanley is a friend of mine whom I met through Adam during the start of 9th grade. He is the smartest among all of us. He aces in science on every test, a total opposite of me.

When it was the day for our class's assembly we come to school early, to make the preparations.

Previously I was supposed to do the school prayer but I somehow managed to make our class teacher change my role cause I was 100% sure that I'd freeze in front of the whole school from stage fright. 

She gave the role to Karter and he agreed to it cause he wasn't a nervous scaredy cat like me.

I went to the stage and saw my classmates getting ready for the assembly. Stanley was with Patrick. They were getting ready to portray their roles.

Stanley looked like a perfect Hawking, with his head resting on one shoulder plus his lips bending up into a slight smile. Patrick on the other hand was portraying Charlie Chaplin, he also did a pretty good imitation of Chaplin too. 

There was also a guy portraying Einstein. Since he couldn't get a puffy white wig he decided to just use shampoo to foam his hair up. Only problem was that by the time the assembly began, the the foam had already disappeared.

The students gathered in front of the assembly stage. We all thought we were finally ready for the assembly to start.

It was then we noticed that, there stood in front of the school, the standing Stephen Hawking.

The teacher panicked when she noticed that. She told me and Karter to somehow get a wheelchair.

We both decided to borrow the one from the infirmary so we rushed downstairs to the basement.

The infirmary was locked. The infirmary and the PE storage room were joined by a door. So we jumped into the storage room through the window and opened the door leading into the infirmary.

We didn't bother to ask for permission as no one was there so we took the wheelchair and rushed upstairs.

The PE sir who noticed us helped us carry it to the stage.

"Psst! Hey Stanley, take a seat. Quick" I whispered as I set the wheelchair behind him.

"No need, Its okay. I'll stand" replied the Hawking.

Noticing this the PE sir came and held Stanley's shoulders and forcefully made him sit on the wheelchair.

"Your classmate went to the trouble of getting this so just sit down" said the PE sir.

Well the assembly went fine after that ,except for the fact that Einstein's younger self was portrayed instead of the old one.

"Haha! those were some good old days" exclaimed Karter, as he eavesdropped us.

"What haha? You think you can make jokes when the assembly is going on, meet me after the assembly." said the PE sir as he twisted Karter's ears.

Seemed to be his bad luck that he giggled right when the sir was taking his rounds.

The assembly finally got over and it ended with the national anthem. And we formed lines to go back to the classes. While forming lines we teased Karter as he had to stay back for a lecture by the PE sir.

"Good luck in getting screwed by David sir Karter. Haha!" Nasir teased him as we were going back upstairs.

Before we went upstairs there was always a checking  conducted by the school leaders. They'd check if every student wore their ID cards, Badges, belt, tie, proper hair style and also if their nails were cut.

Karma got Nasir as he had forgotten his ID card. Alexander also was caught for his unkempt hair.

Me, my bro Greg and Shane were safe so we went upstairs back to the classes. I tried my best not to get caught ever since the incident that happened two years back. 

On a certain assembly, majority of the boys, me included, forgot their ID cards and on that day itself, the chairman of our school announced

"All the students who are not wearing their ID cards, tiesbelts or having untidy hair will stay back because I want to have a chat with those great students who think that the rules made by the school are a choice

Yup we were toast. The people with their uncut nails forgot everything about hygiene and started biting their nails off. For people without ID cards like me, we had no choice but to accept our own fate.

After all the other students went up to their classes, we the 'great' students were called to the stage and were asked to stand in line.

He questioned us one by one and showed no mercy to us. After his lecture he let us go back to our classes only after we completed 20 squats.

Since that day I had never forgotten my ID card even once, lesson learned.

After the lecture by the David sir, Karter and Nasir came back in the middle of our first class. They looked like they were screwed pretty badly by the PE teachers. The teacher paid no heed to them and continued the class. Those were some hilarious morning disasters.

The day got over and I got into the bus which then dropped me back home. I entered my house, got into my room upstairs and laid on the bed. 

"Oi Robert come down and see this!" yelled my bro Gregory.

He seemed like he wanted to tell me something serious so I went down.


"Look! This message was sent by the school."

"Hmmm. Lemme see, From today onwards as the school's new floor's construction is going on, for their safety the students are not required to come to school anymore for the special classes. School will reopen on the start of the new semester on May 25th."

We were both overjoyed. I took our phone and sent a message to my group.

"Summer vacations !"

End of chapter: Morning Disasters

Next chapter: 'Coming soon!'

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