Chapter Forty-Seven

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I do not own Harry Potter or Uninhabited Planet Survive characters. Only my OC Character.

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

Rated M for Future Sexual Content.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Author Comments\

~~~Chapter Forty-Seven~~~


Kaoru and Bell jump into the water.

"Kaoru!" I call out.

"Bell!" Luna calls out.

Adam goes under, and Luna and I let out a gasp. "Adam!" We call out before running to the edge and jumping into the water. Luna has her eyes closed, but I keep mine open and look for Adam. I see him further down. I tap Luna's shoulder. She opens her eyes, and I point down. Luna's eyes widen. She glows pink before Adam's glows pink.

I push Luna back to the surface and swim to Adam. He is slowly floating up due to Luna's power. Kaoru sees me with Adam, and he swims over. I grab Adam, and Kaoru wraps his arms around my waist before we swim to the surface.

Luna sees us and swims over. "Adam!"

We swim to land. Howard coughs with Bell patting his back.

I hold Adam to my chest while Kaoru pats his cheek. "Snap out of it!" He pats his cheek again. "Snap out of it, Adam!"

Adam stirs and opens his eyes. Luna feels relieved.

"Alright!" Bell cheers.

The others run over. "They okay?" Chako questions.

I hold Adam to my chest and look at them. "They're fine."

"I wanted to give Luna and Brienna flowers..." Adam admits.

Luna places a hand on his head. "It's okay!"

I shake my head. "You don't have to say anything."

Chako stops in front of us, breathing heavily. She catches her breath. "Should I take a look?" She scans him. "Nothin' outta the ordinary."

"What a relief," Bell says with a sigh.

"I'm glad to hear it." Sharla comments.

Chako turns to look at Howard. "Is Howard okay, too?"

Bell lets out a sound of agreement. "As you can see."

Shingo tilts his head slightly. "But he looks a little blue around the gills."

"Don't tell me he's been infected by the malignant nanos!" Menori exclaims, worried.

Shingo lets out a gasp of surprise.

"Of course not!" Sharla denies.

"He isn't acting his usual self." I point out.

Kaoru nods his head. "I'm concerned about his constant lack of energy."

"That's true..." Bell trails off.

Shingo holds up a finger. "If worst comes to worst and he's been infected by the malignant nanos..." Shingo takes out the emitter, and Sharla backs away slightly. " long as we have this emitter, we could treat it, so there's nothing to worry about."

I narrow my eyes when Sharla and Howard look at the emitter with narrowed eyes.

"Howard, why don't you have Chako take a look?" Luna queries.

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