Chapter One

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I do not own Harry Potter or Uninhabited Planet Survive characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

Rated M due to future sexual content.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\

~~~Brienna's POV~~~

I wake up early due to having another one of my nightmares. I lay gasping on my bed, sweat dripping off my frame, causing my silk nightie to cling to my body. I close my emerald green eyes and sigh to calm my racing heart. I open my eyes and move my drenched black hair from my forehead.

I get out of my bed and head to have a shower. I dry myself but stop when my gaze lands on the tattoo on my stomach. I snap out of it and continue to get dressed. I wear an emerald green bra and underwear, a blue turtleneck dress with an emerald green belt, black thigh socks, and black knee boots with blue ribbons.

The dress was a bit tight as my breasts are a bigger C Cup, so I used a little bit of my magic to make my dress less tight. I picked up my brush and brushed my hair until it was untangled. I tie my hair into low, loose plaits with emerald green ribbons.

With me ready, I head downstairs to see Chako sitting in one of the chairs, but not before picking up my emerald and black chequered coat. "Good morning, Chako."

She looks up at me with a grin on her face. "'Mornin' Brienna."

Chako starts getting Luna's food ready, but she still isn't up. We are going to be late. Luna isn't ready yet. If she doesn't get ready in the next five minutes, we will be late for our new school. Due to already having my grades, I don't need to go, but I want the proper experience this time. A different school, completely different from Hogwarts. A different experience entirely.

Luna is finally awake due to the rushed footsteps heard above us and is finally coming down from her room. Luna has orange hair just above her shoulder, small red studs and sky-blue eyes. She is wearing a brown top with red long-sleeves, a short brown skirt, white tights, orange trainers, an orange jacket with red cuffs, rims, and a collar.

"Chako! Brienna! It's my first day after transferring! Why didn't you wake me up?" She scolded crossly.

"What're you talkin' about? Luna, you're already fourteen, ain'tcha? You gotta learn to take care of yourself." Chako replied dryly. Chako is a robot that looks like a light pink cat with pink eyes. Her chest area and her back are dark pink, with two yellow balls at her neck.

Oops! I knew there was something that I was forgetting to do. She is up now, so I suppose it doesn't matter. "Sorry, Luna. I completely forgot to remind you to wake up." I tell her apologetically. I'll have to remember next time to wake her up.

"Aw, yeesh! I'm gonna be late!" Luna declared loudly, trying to wash up.

"Not goin' with that case of bedhead, are you?" Chako observes when Luna is beginning to head to the front door.

Didn't she notice that her hair was sticking up? Seriously? I think sweatdropping. That's the first thing a person would normally notice.

The mirror on top of the sink shows Luna what areas of her hair are sticking up. Luna reaches up to the ceiling, pulls down a helmet and places it on her head.

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