Chapter Twenty

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I do not own Harry Potter or Uninhabited Planet Survive characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

Rated M due to future sexual content.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\

~~~Chapter Twenty~~~


~~~Brienna's POV~~~


I am sitting next to Kaoru near the edge of the lake. We were both sitting in a comfortable silence until we heard footsteps. We turn to see Sharla standing there. "Kaoru...I'm sorry. Umm...It really wasn't on purpose! I found it by accident while I was cleaning."

Kaoru doesn't say anything and turns back to the water. Sharla continues talking. "Is the boy in that picture...a friend?" Kaoru stays silent. "I'm sorry. I'm asking weird questions. But I...feel a little relieved. Kaoru, even you have a friend like that."

"He's no longer with us." Sharla makes a sound of surprise before Kaoru stands up. He holds out his hand and helps me up, once more putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to his side. "I killed him."

I look up in surprise when he says this, but I will find out when he is ready to tell me, so I push it out of my mind and rest my head on his shoulder. Sharla gasps but stays silent as Kaoru and I walk past her, leaving her to gaze out into the lake.

~~~Luna's POV~~~

We walk through the forest as the sun begins to set. I hold the boy's hand to ensure he doesn't get lost. I look down at him and we smile before I look back in front of me.


~~~Brienna's POV~~~

When Luna and the others returned just after the sunset, a young child was with them. Luna explained about the boy to Kaoru, Sharla and me. I didn't need much explanation due to hearing the voice when Luna did.

I noticed the child look up at me, and I couldn't help the softening of my eyes or the soft smile on my face. I have a soft spot for children. He moves away from Luna and holds out his arms towards me. I pick him up, and he rests his head against my neck. It wasn't long before he fell asleep. I ended up taking him into the boy's bedroom and placing him in Bell's bed, but not before Luna gave me her jacket for him to wear.

~~~Middle of the Night~~~

I hear movement in our room. I open my eyes; the child stands beside Luna's bed. Luna slowly opens her eyes and lets out a gasp. After noticing who it was, Luna sits up. "What's wrong?" He doesn't answer but just smiles. "You shouldn't be here. Your room is over there."

This causes both Sharla and Menori to wake up. "What's wrong?" Sharla asks sleepily.

Chako is also woken up. "What's goin' on?"

He hides behind Luna. "I think he came in because he was lonely." Luna moves up slightly in her bed. "Come on." She lifts the covers. He lays down, and Luna places the covers over them. We all lay back down and go back to sleep.

~~~Next Morning~~~

I got up early, just as the sun was beginning to rise. I looked to see that everyone else was still asleep. I quietly get up and head down to the lake. I fill up my watering can before heading over to my garden. I remove all the weeds before watering all the plants. The rest of the fruit and vegetables are nearly finished growing. Not much longer.

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