10:00 pm (fluff)

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[This is in the past]

Henry POV

It was 10:00 pm and I was in my office working. I heard a knock on my front door. I got up and turned off the light before walking into the living room. I opened the door to reveal William. He was soaking wet. It was pouring down and I just noticed it. "What are you doing outside in the rain?" I asked while inviting him in the house. "Michael accidentally locked me out of the house. I had nowhere else to go, soo..." he trailed off. "Could I stay here until tomorrow?"

"Of course, Will." "Thanks. I hope I won't be a bother," he replied, slightly bowing his head. "Of course not, Will. If you need, you can borrow some of my clothes." Blush slightly covered his cheeks. "Um... thank you." "Wait here, I'll go get a towel." Henry left the room.

Nobody POV
Few minutes later, Henry comes back with a towel and gives it to William.

<Time Skip>

William walked over towards Henry's closet and picked out some clothes. He changed into them and looked down at the 'bed' that Henry made him. It was really just a few pillows and blanket.(I made myself a pillow bed and it was surprisingly comfortable If the pillows didn't move so much. I was on them while I made this lol.)

[Author's Note]
Henry and Emilie(his wife) aren't together anymore, but they still live together. She's perfectly fine with sleeping on the pullout couch. So Henry sleeps alone on the bed.

Nobody POV

William was laying on the pillows when Henry walked in the room. He finished his work and was getting ready for bed. He crawled in bed and turned the light out. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep.(I wonder what that feels like🥲)

<Time Skip>

It was now 1:00 am and William couldn't sleep. It was cold and the blanket didn't do much to help him.

William POV

I looked up at the side of the bed. "It wouldn't hurt," I thought. I sat up and crawled in the bed. It was a lot warmer. I faced away from Henry and made sure to stay on the opposite side of him. Henry turned around(he's still sleeping). I didn't feel like moving, so I didn't. A few minutes passed and I felt something cuddle up with me. I opened my eyes and saw Henry with his head resting against my chest. I couldn't help but blush at him. I couldn't wake him up. He looked so peaceful, and I eventually just fell asleep.

<Time Skip>

Henry POV

I woke up, feeling something wrapped around me and seeing my shirt. I looked up and my eyes widened as I realized that William was cuddling me. I blushed as William opened his eyes and looked down at me, him seeming to be fully aware of the situation. He just smiled at me and said, "Morning, Hen."

"Wha- how-" I stammered before William interrupted me. "It was cold down there, so I decided to get up here, and I was on this side of the bed, but you ended up cuddling up with me," he explained to me, calmly. Unlike the flustered mess I was when I tried to speak. "Oh..." I tried to pull away, but William's arms pressed against my back, pulling me closer to William. "Can we just stay like for a little?" I didn't respond, but just laid my head on his chest and relaxed.

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