Áis Cyborg 101(P.4 ...)

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William and Henry had only known each other for a few months, but they had grown very close in that short amount of time. They had been hanging out practically everyday since they had met.

They were walking back to Henry's house after spending the day together when it came across William's thoughts about how Henry's eye would glitch. As they walked into his house William debated on whether or not he should ask about it, and he decided that he was going to ask. Hey, Hen. Can I ask you something? Of course. What is it?  It took William a moment to figure how he was going to ask.

I noticed something lately, and I just want to know about it. Okay.. How can I put this? he mumbled. Everyday I see your eye glitch and I just want to know if I'm just seeing it or if it's actually happening. Oh.. right.. This answer surprised William a little, as he wasn't exactly expecting that. I- you're not imagining that... William just sat there in shock before finally speaking up. Um. If you don't mind me asking, why? Or, more accurately, how..?

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