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Thank you Heathers4evr for the idea. I don't really know anything about honeymoons.. because I'm 12.. but I tried.

William's POV

Henry and I were currently on our honeymoon. We decided to go to the beach, what's better being away from 5 nagging children than going to a beach with your husband? I realize this all sounds too lovey-dovey(idk) for me, but ever since me and Henry made up and spent a few years trying to connect and be friends again after the family reunion, I couldn't help but feel happy that the closest person in my life still cared about me the way he did in college. Clara/Rosetta(Mrs. Afton) and Emilie(Mrs. Emily) are at home so they could take care of the kids.

We were sitting in the sand staring at the sunset. I looked over to my left and looked at Henry. He looked so beautiful with how the orange and red sunlight lit up his face and chest. He looked so calm and relaxed. "I'm really glad we could do this." He said, interrupting my thoughts. "Yeah.." I replied, smiling slightly. Henry turned and looked at me.(yoo Sunset Lover just started playing while I was making this part lol) "You're smiling..!? Oh my god, you haven't smiled in years." I giggled at his remark. We looked at each other and started leaning in. Henry kissed me passionately. He climbed in my lap and held my face. I laid my hands on his hips. Eventually, we pulled away to catch our breaths. The sun had fully set now and we were both tired. Henry more than me. He fell asleep and his head fell on my shoulder.

Sorry it was so short, like me. Anyways I hope I did okay. I don't know shit about honeymoons.😭

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