Battle through the base

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Where am I? This looks like the inside of the base. Wait, am I moving?
I looked up to the ceiling to think about what is happening, but I saw the face of a strange creature carrying me through the halls.
'Zole, where are you?' I thought.
"Right here. I am the creature carrying you." He answered.
"H-how?" Was all I was able to say.
"It is a secret I have been hiding for 10 years." He replied.
"Halt! Who goes there?" Some men from around the corner shouted.
"Watch and learn how I fight." Zole said as he charged at the men, claws at the ready.
He started slashing at them and ripping skin off of their arms. It was gruesome, sure, but I had to ignore it to focus on the mission.
Zole gave the final blow, and the last man was knocked out.
"Ok, Zole, we have to do that again for the other 33 or so floors." I told him, showing the layout I got of the building.
Zole nodded and started searching for a way up, knocking out men left, right and centre as he did so.
"Ω, I found an elevator!" Zole called out.
I ran to where he was around the corner. Sure enough, there was an elevator.
"Let's do this." I said as we got in and hit the button for floor 33.
We only managed to get to the second floor before the doors opened and even more men appeared. I grabbed my coconut gun and started blasting the coconuts at them, they were all knocked unconscious.
"Not bad, kid." Zole said as we continued on to the next floors.

30 minutes and 7 battles later

This is bad, the elevator opened to a giant room where the walls also turned out to be doors. We were now surrounded and all the men had full armour, shields and guns.
I pushed the button for close door as fast as I could, but it didn't work.
"Zole." I said.
"Ω." He replied.
"Let's do this." And with that, the battle began.
Zole kept on slashing at the men and taking off their helmets so I can knock the unconscious with my coconut gun. They were dropping like flies!
Zole also opened up portals to absorb the bullets and store them for later.
Overall, this was the hardest floor to beat so far. Only 23 more floors left to go.

3 hours later

Floor 29, nearly there. God, I'm so tired. It's also annoying with the elevator stopping at every floor. At least the battles weren't as hard as the one in floor 10. We just used my coconut gun and Zole's claws to get through all of them. Time to defeat this floor. 3, 2, 1 and open!
Nothing happened.
"That's strange." I muttered.
The elevator continued past floor 29.
Floor 30 was the same.
Floor 31 was the same as well.
It even skipped floor 32!
Then, it came to floor 33.
The floor was just one giant room with one man on his giant chair.
"Welcome." He said. "To your doom!"

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