The end

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It was him. The man. The one who killed my parents. I couldn't hold in my anger. I pulled out my coconut gun and set it to lethal mode.
"This is for my parents!" I yelled as I ran straight at him. I shot 3 coconuts at high speed. Nothing could stop it.
Except the man just catching the coconuts mid-air and throwing them back at the same speed.
"You'd really think I'd go down so easily." He laughed as Zole used a portal to protect me from the projectiles.
"I will fight 'till my last breath!" I shouted.
"Very well." He replied as he stood up from the chair.

I ran straight at him as fast as I could, shooting coconuts at him as I did so. He just stood there and did absolutely nothing. I quickly put the coconut gun away and pulled out my bamboo stick. I leaped up into the air and brought the stick down with great force. The man just grabbed it and yanked it out of my hands.
"Do you not feel pain?" I said out loud. He didn't reply.
The man quickly through the stick away and started running extremely fast at me. Zole swiftly jumped in front of me and blocked a punch. Zole fought back by using his claws to slash back at the man. He did nothing except move his arm quickly to block Zole's attacks. Zole then took to the extreme and opened the portal filled with bullets and sent it to the man. The man just pressed a button and a giant stone slab rose of from the ground, blocking the bullets.
"My turn." He said as he punched Zole right in the guts. Zole could nearly breathe and he had to stumble back a bit. I got into a fighting stance ready to fight back.
"Child, what do you hope to achieve? You'll just simply die." He said as I charged at him and leaped onto him. He did not expect it and was left open for an attack. I used my hands and twisted his arm hard. He screamed in pain. Just as I was about to leap back, the man punched me in the gut. The wind left my body immediately. I could feel blood in my mouth as well.
"I...Will never...give up!" I shouted as I leapt at the man one last time, grabbing his remote and pressing all the buttons on it. They all brutally hurt the man in a variety of ways. Finally, I pushed a button that put him in a cage.
"It-It's over. Zole, we won!" I shouted as I looked over at Zole. He was unconscious on the floor. "Zole? Zole! ZOLE!!!" I shouted over and over again. He wasn't breathing. This is bad. I looked all around the room for something, anything that would help. I only found an orb on a table. Perhaps it could do at least something. I touched the orb and many images flashed in my mind.

My Parents working on a strange machine.

Police slamming open a door.

My Parents running away.

Two strange yellow eggs.

Zole and another creature similar to him hatching out of the eggs.

My Parents taking care of them

The other creature creating illusions.

Then finally, me.

I have no idea what it could all mean. My parents building a machine, the police attempting to arrest them, I think. My Parents going on the run and finding two strange eggs and taking care of them. Zole was the first creature but, what about the second one. It creates illusions but I have never...seen it.
Cough! Cough!
Zole was waking up.
"Zole, Zole! Are you ok?" I asked.
"Now you know the truth of your whole life. The life you've known has been a lie. My time has come to an end, so please, live on for" Zole said as he took his last breath.

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