Chapter 1

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The smell of bacon wafts into my nose, pulling me from my sleep. I wake up, my blonde, wavy hair in my face. I roll off my bed and grab some pens from my desk. I start throwing them at the top bunk that holds my sleeping cousin. The pens didn't seem to be enough to wake him. It was times like this I wish I was at Hogwarts or that I could do magic without being expelled. I wish I could just cast Aguamenti but instead I will do it the muggle way. I go and get a cup of cold water and pour it on Harry.

"AGH, Delilah I'm gonna kill you!"

"Honestly you probably will if our next school years go the same as the last two!" I laugh.

Luckily I'm not in Gryffindor or the chances of me dying would definitely be fifty percent more likely. Hopefully Ron and Hermione survive. I don't know what Harry would do without them. We were all a mess when Hermione got petrified last year. Luckily, I had avoided the Basilisk as my best friend Hannah Abbot had not left my side after our friend Justin Finch-Fletchley had gotten petrified. Speaking of being a mess, that's probably what tonight will be.

"Guess what's happening today?" I ask.

"Please don't tell me today is the day your Aunt Marge is coming."

"Unfortunately it is, try and control yourself Harry."

"Me! That woman has had it out for me since day one."

"Honestly Harry, who hasn't had it out for you since day one." Harry just rolls his eyes at me.

Luckily for me, Aunt Marge doesn't hate me like she hates Harry. Since my parents want to seem like the perfect family they act like they love me for me when she visits. They don't want her to know that they have an abomination in the family. I decide that I'm gonna start my day by tending to the garden. I love plants, muggle and magical! Herbology is my favorite course. Speaking of loving plants I need to borrow Hedwig to send a letter to my friend Neville.


After about two hours Harry came out to join me, "I don't understand how you spend this much time in the dirt, how much attention do plants really need."

Honestly I probably only needed to be out here for an hour but I like unbottling feelings when gardening. Since I'm not super comfortable talking about my problems with people, I talk to the plants. They don't judge and I don't feel like I'm burdening people with my problems, especially when many people have much worse problems than me.

Instead of unloading all that on Harry, I jokingly respond, "Well Harold along with watering, pruning, and fertilization plants also need positivity, so you should probably leave."

Harry glares at me. He had never been one for optimism, not that I blame him; he has had a hard life. I laugh and soon Harry joins in. Him and I always like to tease each other.

Harry and I decide to go on a walk since we don't want to be inside during Mum's Aunt Marge induced psychosis. We talk about how excited we are to go back to Hogwarts and see our friends. Letters are really not enough. Harry told me about his friends while I told him about mine. Ron's family had won a trip to Egypt which sounds super exciting. I have always wanted to travel the world. Hermione is studying already and is on vacation in France. Hannah was currently in the United States visiting New York City. Justin complained about how his parents had been smothering him because of his petrification. Neville had been spending a lot of time trying to convince his grandma to get him a fanged geranium. I wish I could have magical plants, but for the summer my muggle plants will do.

Eventually we start talking about Quidditch. We got most of our pro Quidditch information during the summer from Ron and Ernie, since its hard to do anything magic related at home. Unfortunately for me, I do not share Ron and Harry's love for the Chudley Cannons. My favorite team is the Appleby Arrows. While I have no desire to play the game as I love staying on the ground, I do love watching and analyzing the games. I hope someday soon that I can help the Hufflepuff team to victory by coming up with plays and strategies.

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