Chapter 9 |The Quiet is Loud|

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|Corrupted Sonic's.POV|

I kicked, punched, and scratched him all over. He's such an idiot!

"Jealously is not attractive." he smirked while his open wounds healed. "I'm not jealous!" I flashed a fang. He smiled and made his dead disgusting face appear again. The nasty rotting flesh and ripped stitches turned me off so much.

"I'm glad I didn't die with you." I slapped his face and it returned back to normal. I looked over to the other me that laid on the bed. He's not so innocent anymore, more like desperate. Darling, that's all Shadow goes on about. He misses his little darling and it's maddening.

"He hasn't eaten in a few days," Shadow sat on the edge of the bed and brushed through his darling's quills. Before I could say a word.

"We're not returning to your cannibal ways, Doll."

My voice was lost after he belittled me. He never does things my way anymore, makes me wish I could kill him myself and purge him for good.

"You let him suck the blood from your wrists." I snorted.

"You were watching? Little perv~" he laughed.

My face turned red at that thought. The memories of them doing all the things they did was not pleasant, I wasn't taking over our body at that time but I see flashes of what they were doing. It was hard to ignore, especially since little Darling and I share the same voice. I didn't think I could ever sound like that.

"Don't be jealous, Doll, I love you both very much. We're just not gonna go back to cannibalism, it's gonna damage your body more and your poor vessel has suffered enough." Shadow leaned over and kissed his head.

Makes me feel confined when he does that. I know what he's doing, and he for sure knows what he's doing.

"You were killing him first," I bugged in. I sat on the bed, the other side of where his Darling was sleeping. "How would he feel to know that you're gonna kill us?"

That dumb smile grew on his face. "I was already going to do it anyways, doesn't matter if he finds out or not, I'm gonna make it happen." his irrelevant smile faded when he looked back down to his Darling. Shadow is slowly killing him- me. Since Darling and I are the same person.

Darling isn't so great. He doesn't even love Shadow as much as I do. I don't understand what MY lover sees in him. In fact, that's all Shadow did was stare at him. "Don't look at him." I pulled out a knife and held it to Darling's throat. "You'd kill yourself because of jealousy?" Shadow chuckled. "Why would I be jealous of that." I rubbed in the harshness of my words. To my dismay, Shadow was not hurt by it at all.

|3rd Person.POV|

Shadow pulled his innocent Sonic's unconscious body up and positioned him to sit on his lap. The evil entity watched with a heart of raging fire. "Dirty liar~" Shadow whispered and kissed his Darling's cold lips. This sparked an untreated anger in his corrupted lover which was hidden away for over a year.

|Corrupted Sonic's.POV|

I'm not watching this anymore. I hissed at Shadow before taking over the body of his Darling. Instantly waking up in what was once my body, again. I felt it all, everything that Darling could. I felt all the scratches and bites. There was a big gash around my left hip. "You were marking me!" I scratched at the demon of my nightmares. Shadow disappeared like a coward and reappeared behind me. I felt his wet tongue on my shoulder, he's trying to distract me. Teasing me won't work this time. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen where the knives were. I took the longest one and left. He's not stopping me, Darling couldn't either. I'm doing the thing I've been craving for over a year. The heated flashes I felt before are coming back again. I see red.

|20 Minutes Later|

A lovely hedgehog couple sitting on a bench. Reminds me of Shadow and I when we first killed together. I'm gonna make him regret everything he's ever taught me. I wasn't wearing any clothes, I wanted my fur to soak in blood, let Darling know that I was here.

Early morning couples were always fun to purge. I held the knife facing down and plunged it into one's head before quickly snapping the other one's neck. The blood splattered like a fountain. This one wasn't dead yet, so I pulled the knife out of their skull and slit their throat to stop the screaming. The snapped neck one had already dropped dead to the floor. Shadow appeared next to me like a black smoke. I rejected and got the taste I've been thirsty for. Sweet blood, cold air, and that satisfying feeling on my tongue. It's like waiting for a dessert to bake for hours and when it's done, it's a mouthwatering and pleasurable feeling. The world fell quiet around me, I could only hear myself chewing and slurping.

I spit out bones to the bushes and wiped my mouth. Blood smeared across my cheek and sank into my stitches and white ribbons, which weren't very white anymore.

So refreshing~

"People will know you did this, love." Shadow holds the old dagger we once shared. I threw an organ out of the way in my feast and let the blood splatter everywhere. "I thought this turned you on, love. Am I not fun to you anymore?" I snatched the dagger and pointed it to his chest. He glared down at me like I was small and hopeless. "You're gonna end up in confinement forever." he chuckles to himself and disappears again. That's when I felt the sun shine against my fur. People were already coming out to start their day. The mess I've made is enough for them to know that I've been here. Leaving bodies out in the open was the dumbest thing we've ever fucking done. They could see the patterns and we just gave it to them. What's left is a pile of bones with bits of flesh on them. Oh, and a dead body with a twisted neck and bloodshot eyes. It's very beautiful now that I look at it. These two lovers have left with each other.

How lucky for them....

A tear rolled down my cheek from the painful memory that I had to live with for a while. "Miss me, Dolly?" His stupid voice whispers in my ears. My heart was already in pain and he's rubbing salt in the wound because he knows he's right. "I'm always here." his arms wrapped around me from behind. I could feel his warm breath, heaving on my neck. "Why'd you leave me all by myself?" I finally cried out. The clouds could only bundle up together so tight until it rains. He grabbed my blood-soaked face and turned my head to kiss him. The dagger in my hand fell to the floor, followed by me. My body dropped like a bag of rocks.

When I opened my eyes, I was back in the house again.


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