Chapter 14 |Homesick|

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"I admire you for running right into the problem."

"Reminds me of my days of running."

"Don't look back for a while."


I ran home. No it doesn't matter how long it takes or how tiring it is, I had to get there quickly. I barged in there like a mad person, if I already wasn't one. "Sonia!" I cried through the hallways. "Manic!" I ran upstairs to the hallway leading back to my room where their bodies were and to no surprise they still laid there, lifeless. Rotting away on the floor as they've been doing for days. "I'm so sorry.." I broke down and bawled like I always did. Since that fall I've never had a moment to myself without a disturbance to my peace.

"Sonic, what's wrong?" I felt a hand on my top quill. "Please stop rubbing it in.." I cried harder. I felt a warm pair of arms pull me into them and smelled that familiar scent. "Is it another nightmare?" She asked. I opened my eyes and it was Sonia, alive and- Alive?!

When I turned over to look at the rotting corpses, they weren't there anymore, in fact the environment felt drastically
different. "Did you at least eat breakfast?" She asked while holding my cheek. I nuzzled into her shoulder and let myself feel content with what I wanted to have.

She rolled her eyes and helped me stand up. I question if everything was just some dream and I'm looking crazy, because I don't understand how I've gone days without seeing her and suddenly having life seem normal again.

"Where's Manic?" I asked. "He's sleeping in today." She rolled her eyes again and pulled me down to the kitchen where she made a sweet tea for me. "I wish you told me that you were at your friend's house earlier. Speaking of which, who is this friend?" She turned her head to me. "Knuckles, he's an old friend, remember?" I persisted, taking a sip. "Knuckles? Oh! I remember him." She laughed. "Yeah, I guess I'm just feeling a little weird. I must've just forgot what happened.." I tried to play it off.

What happened?

"Well at least you're going out again, it's been so long since you've done that. I remember mom used to catch you sneaking out back in high school." She laughed.
"I can see that he never grew out of it." A sweet voice said. That sweet voice belonged to the one person I never thought I'd see again. Not alive, anyways, let alone in front of me again. My mother walks into the kitchen, wrapping an apron around her waist. I dropped my tea cup and stood in shock.

"Oof- Sonic!" Sonia groaned, getting down to pick up the broken shards. Mother comes up to help her, and I just stare. Mesmerized by the fact that they're here, alive, and I can almost feel the same as I once did. I didn't hesitate to run up to her and hug her. She gasped at first but held me close to her with her free arm around me and kissed my ear, which for some reason still had bruises and bite marks on them. That should've been my first sign.

"You know I find it odd that you chose to stay at a friend's house on a school night. Oo- I see you guys had fun." My mother says, tapping my purple ear and throwing away the broken shards. I looked a mess.

"School night?" I mumbled so softly, losing my voice.

"Oh he's gonna be late." Sonia looked at the time on her phone. "You better get walking." My mom kissed my head, leading me outside to walk by myself again.

What's going on?


"Sonic!" another familiar voice I hear. "Tails!" I shouted. "I've been looking for you-" I cut him off when I ran up to him and squeezed him. I never hugged someone so hard. My mother's death was tragic but it didn't hit as hard because thankfully I didn't have to witness her death. Tails had a different story, seeing him burn to death was the most traumatizing thing I'd ever seen, but he's here and perfect. "You're gonna squeeze him to death." I hear her voice say. "Amy!" I let go of Tails and hugged her just as tight, kissing her repeatedly on the cheek. "Sonic, you're extra sweet this morning." She laughed and shoved me away. I pulled them both into my embrace and kissed both their faces like a mother who just found her lost children. "What's got you in such a good mood?" Amy squirmed in my grasp. "I heard that you slept over at Knuckles'." Tails laughed. Amy gasped and finally let loose of my grip. "So it's true, you do like boys!" She shouted. "Shut up!" I laughed so loudly at how stupid but fun it was to hear them again. "Be careful, he has a girlfriend." Tails laughed.

To Dream Of Being Your Doll - SonadowDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora