Chapter 11 |Locked In The Middle|

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Talking with Knuckles has made me realize how distracted I've become. Manic and Sonia are still dead- maybe, and still laid out on the hallway. I haven't thought to bury them already. It also reminded me of the old life I once had with all my other friends.

"I saw them walking down the street and it felt like a miracle had come to me. But he got to both of them, I tried to warn them." I wiped away a tear.

Knuckles handed me a napkin and I wiped away my sadness. "Tails and Amy were only trying to help me and they got killed for it." I put my head down.

"I'm so sorry..I miss them too..." he put his hand over mine.

I wish this was more nicer but I have Shadow standing over me, begging me to hurry up and leave. His blue dolly is passed out on a table after tiring himself out.

"I want to visit their graves soon. I kinda need that closure again." I said.

Knuckles nodded and got up with me. We got closer and shared a hug. It kills me to think he was afraid of me just moments ago. "I'm sorry I wasn't there," he whispers in my ear. It sounds weird but we used to always be there for each other, all of us were once really close. "But I'm here now if you ever need anything." He squeezed harder, I almost lost my breath. "Well if it's okay with you, I wish we could just hang out and forget these crazy things happened, just for a moment." I looked down.

"Yeah sure, we can go back to my place right now. It'll be like the old times." he smiled. I laughed and nodded. "Cool, I just gotta use the bathroom really quick." He patted my shoulder and left.

Here we go.

"Are you stupid? We don't have time for this." Shadow growled in my ear while glaring down at me and standing way too close. "I don't want to go anywhere with you." I shoved him away, even if it made me look weird. Being around Knuckles has made me remember how horrible Shadow was again. Talking about those awful memories was a big reminder of how much of a monster he was. After saying everything out loud and remembering all the shit he put me through, I didn't feel that connection to him anymore.
"After all this time you can finally see me. We need to finish what we started." He grabbed my shoulder. "Finish what? I don't know why I can see you but I wish you'd go." I tried to whisper.

"You can't leave me like this, there's so much we need to do together before-"

"Before you kill me?" I barged in. "Don't act like you came here to make my life better, I know you're selfish like that."


Alright, he's not listening. The mind can be very bitter at times.

"Look at me. You're gonna make up an excuse to leave, then we're going home." I demanded while grabbing his wrist.

"You can't hurt me anymore, I won't allow myself to be afraid of you."

He has no idea~

"I won't hesitate to punch you in the mouth and make you look ridiculous."

"I dare you.." he growls.

He's much more bold than before. This one is gonna be tougher to break.

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