He Left.- Angst- Part 1

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This is set in the "I Quit" video time period in Owen's POV.

~Owen POV~

None of these people even listen to me! What's the point? What's the point in any of this!

There is no point! No one listens to me. No one respects me! What is the point in being leader? To be mocked! That's it!

That's all it's ever been... I'm done with it. I'm done with this all! Screw this.

I began heading towards the gate before I bumped into a familiar brunette.

"Owen! Hey!" Graecie greeted, evidently startled by my appearance.

"Oh hey Graecie." I greeted back, though I didn't even try a smile now.

"You ok?" She asked a worried tone in her voice.

"Yeah fine." I stated back blankly.

"Ok... so about what we should do with everyone-" Graecie began explaining her plans.

"I'm no longer being a leader." I interrupted her.

"W-what?! But I need you!" Graecie stuttered out at a loss for words.

"I'll still be here, and you have Red anyway but im stepping down from leading." I reassured her with a smile now.

"B-but why?" She questioned still completely shocked.

"No one respects me Graecie. And without respect how am I meant to lead?!" I asked yelling the last part.

"Owen of course they respect you-" Graecie started.

"No they don't Graecie! Almost everyone's lied to me Graecie! I have no respect! They all fear me now from all those sweat little nothings Ori whispers in their ears!" I yelled.

"Owen please-" Graecie pleaded.

"No Graecie. I'm Fucking done." I stated before walking back off towards the maze, leaving Graecie in a mild panic and a loss for words.

I stoped once I was stood in front of the gates to the maze. I ignored my level and decided to just walk in and explore. There was no point in it anyway right! I kept exploring till late afternoon.

~Time Skip~

"Maybe I should head back now..." I mumbled to myself.

"Nah. If I get stuck. I get stuck. What's the point anyway?" I sighed, continuing on my way through the maze, as a small crowd slowly grew outside the maze growing anxious as the time passed.

~3rd POV~

"Where is he!?" Magic yelled getting growingly anxious.

"I'm sure he'll come out soon Magic..." Graecie reassured the younger female.

The doors began to close in front of them.

"Graecie! He still in there!" Rasbi yelled completely panicked.

"Rasbi calm down! Maybe he wasn't even in there." Graecie tried to reason with her but wasn't getting very far.

"Graecie no one's seen him since he was walking to the maze! He has to be in there!" Magic screamed beginning to cry.

"Magic-" Graecie began before Mohwee stepped in.

"There's nothing we can do now. If he's dead that was his fault." Mohwee states while staring up at the gates.

"As much As i hate to say it Mohwee's right. There's nothing we can do now but wait and see if he returns in the morning." Red added to try to stop a yelling match from occurring.

"Yeah why don't we all go to bed and come back before first light and wait!" Graecie exclaimed with the brightest smile she could.

The crowd send out a few murmurs of agreement and everyone eventually went off to their own homes.

~Time Skip~
-Next Day-

Rasbi and Magic sat at the gates sharing mild conversation while staring up at the giant gate before them. They kept up there exchange until they noticed the gates beginning to open, causing them to scurry up and fall silent.

They both stared at the gate as it opened as others began walking over.

Tension was extremely thick as the doors slowly opened to reveal the other side. Once the other side was finally visible a loud yell echoed through the clearing.

"Fuck!" Rasbi yelled clinging onto the female beside her. Magic almost immediately began crying into her shoulder as well, as the 2 stood together in a tight hug as they cried in front of an empty blocked off hallway.

"Did Owen just pull a f*cken Mohwee?" Red yelled from the crowd.

"Yeah no he's dead." Mohwee sighed before walking off.

An awkward silence filled the air around them as they all stood waiting for someone to speak, to reassure them it was all ok. But no one spoke. The only voice that eventually rang out was definitely not one that reassured anyone.

"So who's gonna tell Apo?" Beks asked from behind one of the trees.

" I will." Guts sighed knowing she should probably be the one to do it.


That's all I have right now sorry, I haven't had much time to write since I've gotten sick but here's the first part to a story idea I had anyway. Please tell me what you think of this AU.

~Word Count: 840~

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