I am Damaged.-Angst

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This songs been stuck in my head all day as well as this scene my brain created so here you go-


Owen and Graecie stood by the edge of a small cliff within the maze both of their eyes locked on one another's. An odd aura seemed to float around Owen as he stood in front of a large floating crystal.

"Owen what are you doing..." Graecie questioned as her words began hitching in her panicked throat.

"We should've never came here... but at least it'll be gone now." Owen sighed as he turned to the crystal that was left behind him. It was massive, it seemed to be protected by a sort of magic barrier that protected the pink crystal within.

They had ended up there since Graecie had gone sprinting into the maze with Owen chasing her. They had stumbled upon this opening where the crystal immediately latched onto Graecie before Owen shoved her out of the way, allowing the crystal to latch to him.

He finally turned back to Graecie allowing his eyes to lock with hers, though his eyes were different now. They seemed to have lost their spark? They didn't show his usual enthusiasm he would normally give her. No. They seemed to show a look of regret, as if he had truly given up.

"Owen...?" Graecie asked hesitantly as she tried to step towards him. He just let out a small sigh before a smile crossed his lips.

"I am damaged, far to damaged...." Owen sighed, though the smile never left his face and his eyes never left hers.

"But you're not beyond repair."

"Owen I don't like where your going with this-"Graecie mumbled as she attempted to step closer to him. Only for him to usher for her to stop.

"Stick around here,"

"Make things better."

"Cause you beat me fair and square."

He seemed to just smiled at her as his face slowly changed to one of sympathy.

"Owen stop it! Your not going to die on me!" Graecie basically screamed as tears quickly flooded her vision and ran down her face.

"Please stand back now."

"Little further"

"Don't know what this thing will do."

His eyes seemed to be drawn back to the crystal, he didn't truly understand why but he still continued to try to stay locked with Graecie's eyes.

"Hope you miss me."

"Owen no!" Graecie screamed but she was repelled back from running to him by an ever growing force.

"I'll trade my life for yours."

Owen just smiled at her as he spoke before inevitably turned back to the crystal.

"Oh my god...." Graecie mumbled as she realised what he was about to do.

"And once I disappear." Owen sighed, his body still turned to face the crystal.

"Wait, hold on," Graecie tried to stutter out as she couldn't find the right words to say.

"Clean up the mess down here" Owen smiled as he slowly began walking closer to the crystal.

"Not this way!" Graecie cried as she attempted to get to him with no avail.

Our love is god

He began walking faster towards the crystal.

Our love is god

Owen's walk quickly became a sprint.

Our love is god

When he had finally reached to cliff edge he turned back to look at Graecie.

"Our love is god." Owen smiled with his arms outstretched as the crystal wrapped its aura completely around him.

"Say hi to god." Graecie attempted to smile through her tears as she watched Owen break the aura's grasp causing the entire thing to explode, throwing her backwards.

Small shards of the crystal went flying everywhere as a blinding white light filled Graecie's vision, only clearing to leave her vision clouded by smoke. She slowly rose to her feet fanning away the smoke from her vision, allowing her to see the massive crater that stood in place of the crystal and Owen.

She heard a massive crowd of people come running over as she looked up to see almost the entire clearing in the hallway in front of the crater. Magic immediately ran over with Soup and Krow following.

"Where have you been?!" Magic quickly asked as Soup lifted Graecie off the ground.

"Everyone thought you died." Soup explained as she threw Graecie's arm over her shoulder.

"You look like hell." Krow pointed out while pointing towards her soot and dirt covered clothes.

"I just got back." Graecie joked as she remained staring at the ground, thinking over everything that happened.


This scene is actually inspired by an ending to a series that was a large part of my later childhood. Yes I've been returning to my childhood to. I regret nothing.

~Word Count: 835~

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