This isn't your body to hold anymore-Angst

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This is an AU I was requested to do by Faded. It'll be basically explained in the story.

~3rd POV~

Everything was quite peaceful in the clearing. It was the first time in a long time that there was no drama or chaos ensuing. It was nice. But nothing good ever lasts very long does it?

One thing felt wrong though. The first gate hadn't opened in days. And no one had seen Owen in days either....

When one person got curious and decided come see the levers they were met with their former leaders lever flipped down. He was in there.

They thought he was maybe trapped? But no. He was exactly where he wanted to be. At least where one of them wanted to be.

A meeting was called upon the sighting of his flipped lever. Most were curious on why a meeting was called, to them everything seemed fine.

But when there was no mutual leader among the the group, questions began being raised.

"Where the h*lls Owen at!" Krow complained.

"That's what this meetings about... his levers been flipped and the maze hasn't opened since he disappeared...." Soup stated, concern clear in her tone.

"Wait so Owen's trapped in the maze?" Kyle asked.

"I'd say so." Soup responded.

A loud siren blared over their voices as the first gate began reopening. Everyone burst up from their seats expecting some kind of creature to walk out but instead it was just Owen? Except something was clearly wrong.... He wore this horrible smile.

"That's not Owen is it?" Kyle asked, staring Owen in the eyes.

"Looks like him...." Beks pointed out.

"But those Orange eyes aren't his." Guts stated while raising her weapon ready to fight.

"We can't beat him! Are you crazy?!" Soup yelled while quickly backing away, fully prepared to sprint to her house.

"I don't know man! What did we do last time someone got possessed?!" Guts yelled.

"They just killed themselves!" Ori responded seemingly completely lost in what was happening.

"I didn't expect an actual answer to that... when did someone get possessed!?" Guts yelled noticing how close Owen was getting to them.

"F*ck it. Everyone run!" Guts screamed as everyone immediately scattered.

Everyone sprinted off towards there own houses, to mosts relief Owen seemed to sprint off in the opposite direction of them, but for 2 of them it was horrifying.

"That's not Owen right?" Magic asked hesitantly.

"I don't know...." Rasbi responded.

The 2 had sprinted off into a random direction upon hearing the word run be yelled. They had ended up together by pure chance when they bumped into each other in the forest.

"Do you think we're safe yet?" Magic questioned while looking around.

"Well depends. What's the chance he followed us 2." Rasbi asked.

"Way to high for my liking." Magic yelped as she grabbed Rasbi's arm ducking behind a tree.

"Oh Magic~ Oh Rasbi~ come out now why don't you?" Owen's voice echoed through the forest, it wasn't the voice they grew to love, but instead one of bloodlust and anger.

"Is that really the best you can do? I can see your little tail from here!" Owen mocked before sprinting towards the tree.

"Run!" Magic yelled as the 2 of them sprinted from the now falling tree they tripped on a few over grown roots.

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