We're both Idiots aren't we?-Angst

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This is set in the latest video from Owen's POV "How we escaped death". And yes I do a lot of Owen's POVs because he's the main one I watch since I can never get to live streams cause they're at fucking 4am for me!

~3rd POV~

"We need to get out there's only one minute left!" Owen yelled getting extremely anxious on the group's survival.

"It's right at the exit!" Beks stated.

"What if I shoot at it to distract it?" Magic suggested beginning to give up on their chances of getting out.

"I don't think you should interact with any more of those!" Beks pointed out.

"It's worth a shot right?" Magic muttered completely panicked.

"It's not gonna work Magic." Mohwee sighed.

"We need to distract it." Kyle mumbled deep in thought.

"Take care of each other." Mohwee sighed giving a small smile before dumping his items and sprinting towards the beast.

The screams of his name from the others echoed through the dark hallways, though one's screams turned to pleas as he sprinted after the other into the dark hallway.

"Owen!" Magic cried as Kyle forced her out of the maze.

"They know what they were doing Magic! He made a promise to protect you and I won't let you break it!" Kyle stated shoving Magic away from the closing gates.

"So... they're dead?" Beks mumbled standing awkwardly to the side.

"Yeah. I guess so..." Kyle sighed.

"Did Mohwee ever even find out what happened to Oeca?" Beks asked only now realising no one ever really mentioned him.

"What happened to Oeca?" Kyle asked, not having heard anything of the other.

"Oeca's dead... he died." Ayngel sighed her voice breaking with each word.

"At least they can be together now..." Magic whispered.

"How do we tell Soup and Graecie that we lost both our leader and one of our best runners!" Ayngel pointed out.

"Up front. We just say it to them." Krow stated, speaking for the first time since they got out.

"Graecie will be heart broken...." Magic mumbled.

"H-how do we tell Rasbi..." Ayngel realised.

"Oh god..." Kyle muttered, looking off towards the trees.

"Maybe we can stall it for awhile?" Beks suggested not really wanted to deal with it.

"What about his pet pig?" Ayngel asked.

"He had a pet pig?" Kyle mumbled looking at Ayngel confused.

"Yeah Puddy." Magic sighed, looking back towards the gate another time.

"Maybe they'll come back right?" Magic mumbled barely above a whisper.


~With Mohwee and Owen~

"Mohwee!" Owen yelled sprinting after the other and the beast into the darkness.

"Owen?! What the hell are you doing!" Mohwee yelped startled by the others presence as he sprinted deeper into the maze.

"Helping your *ss." Owen growled.

"Did you just swear at me?!" Mohwee yelled baffled by the first time he heard the other swear.

"Not the Time!" Owen yelled leaping at the creature aiming to shove his great sword through its neck.

He managed a direct hit into its neck causing the creature to begin glitching and making random spasmed movements. It had managed to sink its teeth into his side though, tearing him off and throwing him into a wall.

"Owen you idiot!" Mohwee yelped as the other collapsed on the ground.

He sprinted at the creature drawing his own sword and managing to plunge it straight through its head as his was of stronger material. He was quickly thrown off as it threw its blade into his leg dragging him closer.

"Leave him alone you piece of shit!" Owen yelled coughing out blood every few words and firing an arrow into the mess of wires that had been revealed by Mohwee's swing.

The creature began to spasm setting Mohwee free as he crawl towards Owen and the wall. The creature collapsed to the floor as a puff of smoke rose out of its neck.

"Did we kill it?" Mohwee mumbled afraid he would wake it up.

"I think so..." Owen sighed.

"We're not gonna make it to dawn are we?" Mohwee asked turning towards the direction of the exit.

"Probably not...." Owen laughed, coughing out more blood every word.

"You might." He smiled.

"Doubt it, I can't even walk. I'll bleed out before dawn or get killed by the undead." Mohwee sighed looking back to the other.

They didn't look like they were gonna make it out. Hell they looked like they were corpses already! One was missing his lower part of his right leg with a fractured skull and the other was missing a chunk of his torso and you could see his rib cage!

Mohwee scooted over to sit next to Owen as he looked off into nothingness.

"We had a good run I guess..." Mohwee joked as he began to feel light headed from blood loss.

"Yeah. We got pretty far with this one." Owen sighed, at least he kept his promise....

"We're both idiots aren't we?" Owen laughed as his world began to fade to black.

"Yeah... we are." Mohwee smiled as he passed out from blood loss.

~Time Skip~

Five graves sat atop the tallest hill in the clearing, two much newer than the rest. They all had flowers laying around them, one had a lot fewer than others but still a single bouquet lay upon it.

Two ghost sat chatting away looking over the grave stones.

"Well at least they didn't write that I was selfish!" Mohwee declared triumphantly.

"They wouldn't have anyway, you weren't a selfish person Mohwee." Owen sighed, this wasn't the first time the conversation came up.

"You doubt your self image to others more than you should. Many thought of you as brave, stupid, but brave none the less." Owen smiled at the other.

"Well at least I didn't get "like a father to many" written on my grave old man!" Mohwee immediately teased to change the subject.

"I'm not that old!" Owen grumbled.

"What are you two doing?" Squidney asked as she walked up to them with Oeca in toe.


"Then let's go watch the festival they're having!" Oeca yelled running up and dragging Mohwee along with him.

"Yeah. Let's go." Owen sighed smiling as he turned away from the graves and followed the others towards the festival.


Mmm angst- yeah anyways this idea has just been chilling in my mind the whole day while I was in school so I thought I might as well write it, so here ya go!

~Word Count: 1106~

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