Chapter 16

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"I'm so sorry," the nurse apologised before leaving the room.

-Lucas' point of view-
Nobody was expecting the nurse to say something like this. But she did, and what she said scared me. When the nurse exited the room, I glanced over at my princess. She was in tears. Next, I exchanged looks with her parents. They were so close to crying, just like me.

"Lucas, I totally understand if you don't want to be my boyfriend anymore. I'm going to be a lot of work," she said, sobbing.
This hurt me.....a lot.
"What? No, no, no! I will never leave you!" I reassured her.
"But I'm going to be completely different now," she cried.
"I don't think about you like that at a, Riley. I think about Riley Matthews, the beautiful, confident and good personality Riley. That is impossible to change." I smiled.
"But won't you be embarrassed by my disability?" She asked.
"No! Absolutely not! I don't care how you look. I care about who you are on the inside. Nothing else matters." I replied, grabbing her hand and squeezing it tightly.
"Do you really mean that?" She looked up at me, helplessly.
"Riley, you're physically disabled, not mentally. There is nothing wrong with your brain, okay! And even if you were mentally disabled, I'd never leave you! And anyway, you know what they say, in sickness and in health." I told her.
Riley and her parents gave me a weird look.
"You do know that we are not married. Don't you?" She asked me through giggles. I love it when she giggles, it's so adorable.
"Yeah, I know!" I answered, giggling with her.

Cory and Topanga glanced at me and that's when I remembered that I had to give Riley her letter. I pulled it out of my back pocket and tried to even it out because it had all crumpled up in my pocket. Slowly, I handed it to her.
"What's this?" She asked me.
"Well open it and you will find out," I answered.
That's what she did.
I really didn't want to give her the letter or break the news to her about her best friend, but I knew I had to.

-Riley's point of view-
Lucas handed me an envelope with my name written on the front of it. He told me to open it, so I did. Confused, I ripped open the envelope and then unfolded the piece of paper that was inside of it.
Carefully, I read through the letter and couldn't believe what had been written. When I had read the letter, I placed it on the table next to me and then looked at my parents and my boyfriend.
"I don't know what to say," I spoke.
"Neither did we when we read our letters," my dad replied.
"Your letters?" I asked, quite confused.
"Yeah, she wrote all of us individual letters." My mom explained.
"Oh!" That was all I could manage to say.

-That night-
-At Riley's house-
-Farkle's point of view-
Auggie is such an amazing little boy. We got on really well when I was babysitting him. I learnt a lot about him that I didn't know before. He enjoys board games, watching Mr Googlely and reading books. I must admit, I had a really good day and night with Auggie.

"Alright, time for bed now, Auggie!" I told him.
"Aw, can't I just stay awake for a little longer?" He asked in an innocent voice.
"I'm sorry! If it was up to me I would let you, but it's not my choice," I explained to him.
"Okay," he nodded and went into his bedroom.
I followed him.
"Will my big sister be okay?" Asked Auggie.
"I don't know, Auggie," I replied with the truth.
"Okay. But could you lie with me for a little while?" He asked as he sighed.
"Sure!" I smiled and lay down with him and gave him a hug. We both drifted off to sleep.

-At the hospital-
-Lucas' point of view-
I stayed at the hospital with Riley overnight, allowing her parents to get some rest back at their own house, in their own bed. When I woke up this morning, I remembered something. I had totally forgot to inform my sister about my whereabouts.
Quickly, I grabbed my phone and text her and told her everything. She responded saying that she was on her way.
This made me a little bit happier. Having my sister with me may just give me the strength I need to be there and protect Riley, my princess.

Not long after I woke up, Riley woke up.
"Morning, Princess Riley." I greeted her.
"Hey!" She replied through laughs.
We were staring into each other's eyes when we were interrupted by the nurse.

"Good morning," she greeted us with a smile.
"Good morning!" Riley and I answered in unison.
The nurse chuckled at our timing.
"How are you feeling, Riley?" She asked my sweetheart.
"I am better. I'm just trying to come to terms with the whole cerebral palsy situation." Said Riley.
"Well, I'm glad you are alright. I have brought some information about your disability for you to have a read through. You don't have to, I'm just trying to be nice and help you out. I understand the shock!" She informed us with a sympathetic look.

-Riley's point of view-
"Oh, okay. Thanks," I thanked her.
"Oh, and you will be able to go home today!" The nurse added.
"Great, thanks for everything! We really appreciate it!" I said before she exited the room.
"Great news!" Lucas squealed.
"Yeah, I suppose," I sighed as I began to read the booklet of information that I had just received from the nurse.
"You don't sound very happy about it!" Lucas said.
"Look at this!" I showed him a page of the information booklet.

It said:
The key points include;
There is no cure for cerebral palsy.
It requires medication for life.
Various types of therapy such as physiotherapy.

I didn't like the sound of this!

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