Chapter 30

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-Riley's point of view-
Leaving my teacher stunned, I took a seat and began to get on with some work since I had arrived early. I was actually quite surprised and a little proud of myself for what I had just done.
"Okay. Please stop what you're doing and we will now start class." Mr Matthews announced.
I rolled my eyes as I closed my text book and focused on the lesson.
"So today's lesson is going to be all about value." Mr Matthews went on.
Confused, Farkle raised his hand.
"Yes, Mr Minkus?" The teacher asked.
"What kind of values do you mean, Sir?" Farkle asked his question as he lowered his hand.
"That is a very good question, Farkle. There are different types of values. Perhaps you've been taught it in math class." He tried to explain.
"I wouldn't know. Math class is when I catch up on my sleep!" Maya joked.
I let out a small laugh.
"Anyway, I'm talking about values in life. You value the things you own, your friends and your family." He continued.
A cold and discomforting shiver went down my spine when he said the word 'family'.
"Mhm." I purposely said to annoy Mr Matthews.
He gave me an awkward look and I turned my head into a different direction.

Mr Matthews taught the rest of his class, but I didn't pay much attention to him. Instead, Maya decided to have a conversation with me.
"What's gotten into you?" Asked Maya, surprised.
"I guess when your parents turn your back on you, it makes you stronger." I shrugged.
"I guess so." She agreed.
I smiled at her and she gave me a sympathetic look.
"Are you okay?" She rubbed my back.
"Yeah. I'm fine. I think." I mumbled.

After school, I headed straight to my uncle Shawn's house. Lucas came with me. This was going to be the first time I had seen his new house. I approached his front door and knocked. Within a few seconds, he opened it.

"Hey, Uncle Shaw- wow!" I started to greet him but I was lost for words when I saw his new home.
As I looked around, I saw such a beautifully decorated house. The walls were painted a sky blue colour and the furniture was a plain white colour. He had the kitchen decorated with yellow paint and the floor was tiled. I couldn't see anything else because I was only at the front door, but I knew there was a lot more to see.
"You like it, kiddo?" He asked while laughing.
"I love it!" I squealed.
"Good, because it's just for you and me." He grinned.
"It's amazing!" I hugged him.
"You've done an excellent job, Sir. I love it." Lucas complimented his decorating.
"Why thank you, young man!" Uncle Shawn replied as he pulled away from our hug.

"I would start to move in today but I have a hospital appointment to attend." I explained to my uncle.
"Move in whenever, Riley. You're one of me now!" He smirked.
"Thank you very much." I giggled.

"Uh, Riles?" Lucas questioned.
"Yeah?" I replied as I flung myself around to face his gorgeous face.
"We better hurry up and get to that hospital or we'll be late!" He informed me.
"Okay, let's go!" I opened the front door to let Lucas and I out.
"Hey, guys? See you at dinner?" I heard uncle Shawn yell.
Lucas and I exchanged looks as we smiled at each other.
"Yeah!" We both said in unison.
"Awesome. Bye, guys." Uncle Shawn called after us.
Bye," we yelled back.

-At the hospital-
-Lucas' point of view-
Riley and I a taxi cab to the hospital. On the way there, I wondered what I could do to try and make her feel supported and a little happier. I hate seeing her so worried. We were sat next to each other in the back of the tax cab. Slowly, I slid my hand into her's. She looked up at me and gave me one of her beautiful smiles that never fail to make me smile.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her.
"I don't think I have much choice," she responded, hugging me tightly.
"Of course you have a choice," I reassured her.
"Do I? Do I have a choice whether or not I attend this appointment? Do I have a choice to choose not to accept the hospital's choice?" She raised her voice a little. I knew she wasn't raising her voice at me, she was just worried. 
I paused for a moment, not making eye contact with her, not moving and not saying anything.
"Well--I guess not." I admitted.
"I'm okay. Really." She tried to comfort me.
"Then that's all that matters," I smiled.

When the taxi driver pulled up outside of the hospital, I paid him before Riley and I getting out of the taxi. Together, hand in hand, we entered the hospital.
Riley let go of my hand when she had to go over to the reception. I followed her.
"Miss Hunt-Matthews," she corrected herself.
"Miss who?" The receptionist asked, clearly confused.
"Miss Matthews!" I spoke up.
The receptionist nodded.
"You're still going to be known as a Matthews at places like this," I reminded Riley as we took a seat on the chairs in the waiting room.
"I know... I just forgot." She sighed.

Riley was silent while we were waiting for her to be called. I figured she was worried.
"There's nothing to worry about. I'm going to be right beside you all the way, just like I said I would." I hugged her.
"Thank you!" She thanked me and hugged back.
"Miss Matthews?" A middle aged woman called out.
"That's me." Riley raised her hand slightly.
"We're ready for you now!" The woman informed Riley.
"Can he come in?" Riley asked, gesturing at me.
"Of course." She smiled at us.

"Ready?" I asked, gripping her hand.
"Ready." She smiled at me.

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