Chapter 46

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-Maya's point of view-
Riley is going to run away and I have done nothing but worry about her for days. Farkle and I have been thinking about whether or not there is anything that we could do. We haven't come up with a plan yet but when I woke up this morning, something came to me.
I rolled myself out of bed and got dressed. Then I texted Farkle to ask him if he could come over. He replied saying that he could. When I was dressed, I made myself a quick bowl of cereal and ate it as quick as I could. My mom was at work, so that meant that I was home alone until Farkle showed up.
Farkle arrived within the hour and I couldn't wait to tell him my idea.

"Morning," he smiled.
"Good morning. Come on in," I invited him inside my home.
Farkle entered my house and we both took a seat on the sofa in the living room.
"Is everything okay?" He seemed worried.
"Yeah, it's just that...well I have an idea."

-Lucas' point of view-
It was really nice to see Riley having fun. She's actually a pretty good football player, I guess I never really noticed before. We played 2 games of football and she won both of them! Auggie enjoyed it too and I had a great time.

"Ah, you won again!" I whined.
"What? Are you embarrassed that you got beat by a girl?" Riley asked, jokingly.
"What! No, of course not!" I tried to convince her but it didn't go very well.
Auggie picked up the football and ran over to us.

"I had so much fun!" He squealed with excitement.
"Good, I'm glad you did!" Riley said as she gave him a hug.
"Can we go for some ice cream?" He asked, giving us the puppy dog eyes.
"I would love that but mommy said she wanted you home by 12!" Riley explained.
"Aw, but I don't want to go home!" He huffed.
"I don't want to take you back home but I don't have a choice. Mommy's orders," Riley hugged him again.

-Riley's point of view-
Ice cream sounded great, but I knew that if I took Auggie home later than Topanga said I could, she'd go crazy. Lucas, Auggie and I headed back to Auggie's house to drop him off. When we arrived at his front door, he rang the doorbell.
Nervous, I backed away from the door a little. Within a few seconds, Topanga answered the door.

"Hey, sweetie!" She greeted Auggie, ignoring me completely.
"Hi!" Auggie sighed.
"What's the matter? Did you not have a good time with these two?" She questioned his response. The fact that she didn't even call me by my name shows exactly how she feels towards me. To be honest, I'm past caring now.
"I had an amazing time. I'm upset that I have to come home now!" He told her. This made me want to smile.
"Go inside, it's getting late!" Topanga demand and Auggie obeyed.

Without saying another word Topanga slammed the door shut, leaving Lucas and I standing in the corridor. Then, there was something that I remembered. I hesitated for a second before ringing the doorbell.

"Are you still here?" Topanga flung open the door.
"We need to talk," I explained.
"About what?" Topanga rolled her eyes. She placed her hands on her hips, giving me attitude. Wow, this isn't the mother that I once knew.
"I know that you've been telling Auggie lies about my disability!" I smirked as her smirk faded.
Topanga seemed to panic. Quickly, she slammed the door shut in my face. I didn't quite understand why she did that. I figured that she was probably panicking about the fact that I know.
Silence filled the corridor for a few moments until it was broke by Lucas.
"Are you okay?" Lucas asked me.
"Yeah. I just never intended for anything to be like this," I shook my head, feeling disappointed in myself. I don't exactly know why. My head lowered and my eyes fixed into the floor beneath me.
Lucas placed his hand on my chin and tilted my head up.
"None of this is your fault and you know it!" He said.
"I just don't like things this way. They practically hate me," I said.
"I really don't know what to say, Riley," Lucas admitted.
"You don't have to say anything. Just like you said, none of this is my fault." I faked a smile, "but this isn't over!" I smirked.
He wrapped his arms around me and we left the building.

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