This is Home

144 6 8

tw: s3@ring and mention of someone c^tting someone else

Word Count: 2,861


The Gang's training today, instead of, you know, playing video games or reading. Good for them, I guess.

Anyway, Reader here is beating up a punching bag, not really paying attention to what's going around them. Their thoughts are just so loud right now, you know? It's kinda hard to ignore. However, all of their loud thoughts are disrupted when ice forms on the ground. Reader backs up a step to look at the ice saying, "Huh? Wh-" but then they get cut off by Zane Spinjitzuing right into them.

Reader shouts in surprise as they are swiped off their feet and get violently spun around in a white tornado. Then, they're thrown hard into a wooden post and slide down the rest of the said post.

"Woah! Reader, are you okay???" Cole asks as he runs over to them. Reader groans and holds their head. They open their eyes and move their hand to shield their eyes from the sun. They see Cole hovering slightly above them and Jay and Kai standing behind Cole.

"What.....happened?" They slowly ask.

"Zane just Spinjitzued you right into the wall!!" Jay exclaims while doing wild hand movements. Reader slowly starts to stand, and Cole comes in and takes hold of their arm to help them do the action that they're trying to do. (idk, it just sounds weird in my head when I read "stand blah blah blah stand" you know?)

"I-I think I'll be okay-nope-nevermind-I need to sit down." Reader says. As they begin to sit down, Sensei walks over to them. Kai turns to him and says, "Sensei, Zane's....weird."

"What is weird? Someone who is different? Or someone who is different than you?" Sensei asks.

"No, Sensei. He's weird weird." Cole says as he sits down next to Reader. He rubs their back as he continues, "He walked in the bathroom to comb his hair while I was using it!"

"He laughed at a sad movie. Laughed, Sensei. He laughed." Jay says emphasizing his statement.

"I was getting a midnight snack, and when I opened the fridge, Zane was sitting in it!!!" Kai exclaims. He sighs before continuing, "We like the guy, he's really smart. He's just...... a little off sometimes."

"Zane is a brother, and brothers are often different. I should know." Sensei says. But before the conversation could continue, the doorbell rang.

"MAIL!!!!" Three of the ninjas shout before sprinting to the front doors. Reader stopped paying attention to them, so they instead focused on the blazing headache they have just acquired. They hold their head in their hands and try block out everything.

But they have to unto that blockage of everything when they see Jay's feet approaching. Reader raises their head to look up at him. Jay sits next to them before asking, "How come you never hear anything from your parents?"

"Oh.....I uh......I ran away." They say. Jay's eyebrows go up slightly.

"Oh....I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. I don't mind talking about it."

", why did you run away?" ohhhhh, I was not prepared to answer that question. I should not have said anything. Uhhh uhhhh-okay-um, jus-just make something up I guess. Ohhh, I should've thought about this earlier. I should've prepared something. Dammit, why am I so stupid???

"I just didn't like it there."

"Why? If you don't mind me asking." At this point Cole and Kai are making their way to the sitting ninjas.

Ninja x Gender Neutral ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin