It's True Potential Time

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Look at how cute he is!!!!! This picture brings me so much joy :D

tw: sw3@ring and mention of st@bbing (Reader's foot)

Word Count: 2,553


Reader slowly opens their eyes and squints as the sun beams down harshly onto their tired body. They lift up a hand to try and get the sun from burning their eyes. Reader groans as they try to sit up. Their arms stumble a few times before finally being stable enough to lift Reader up enough to see around them.

Reader gasps when they see Kai laying face-down in the hot sand. They scramble over to him and push him onto his back. They're not looking forward to him dying because there's sand in his lungs. Me neither tbh.

"Come on, Kai. Wake up wake up." Reader begs as they lightly tap at his face. Kai scrunches up his face and groans as he opens his eyes. Reader smiles and makes a breath of relief.

"Welcome back." Reader says hoarsely as they smile. Kai smiles and laughs softly.

"How's you foot?" Kai asks, his throat feeling like gravel.

"Think it might be infected. 'Cause, you know, sand." Reader says as they look at their foot.

"Heh, yeah." Kai says weakly as he turns his head away from Reader. A few minutes pass before Reader gently takes ahold of Kai's hand. He looks at them before turning his head again.

"How long to you think we're gonna be out here?" Kai asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

"To be honest: I don't know. I just hope they'll find us before we die." Reader answers grimly.

"Do you think the others are having a better time than we are?"

"Hopefully." A grim silence falls over the two ninja. Reader lays down beside Kai, too tired to keep sitting. Kai squeezes their hand before saying, "I'm scared, Reader."

"Me too, Kai." Reader turns their head and sees something in the sky. They squint their eyes and sit up, alerting Kai.

"What? What is it?" He asks.

"Sit up." Reader commands. He does so and when he sees what Reader's seeing, a big smile forms on his badly sunburned face. Reader lifts their arms and waves them around, Kai does the same. He stands up and waves his arms wildly in hopes that the thing in the sky will see them. As the thing on the sky gets closer to the two friends, they realize that it's the Bounty! They actually came! The Bounty gets lower and the anchor is dropped, stopping mere feet from the two.

"Come on, Reader!" Kai urges excitedly. He pulls them up and quickly leads them to the anchor. He helps them onto it and hops up on it himself. The anchor begins to retract back into the giant ship, leading the two ninja up from the sandy ground. Reader heaves a sigh of relief when they see their friends' faces looking at them from the deck.

When the anchor is all the way in, Cole and Zane reach down and grab their two friends.

"Thank the First Spinjitzu Master you're alive! We were so worried!" Nya exclaims as she gives Kai a big ol' hug.

"Yeah, I thought we were gonna lose you two. Thank goodness we didn't." Jay sighs. Reader smiles as they lean on Cole and head inside.


Jay walks into their shared room carrying some long metal things. Reader sits up, wondering what the fuck he's doing. He places the long metal things down on Zane's bed where Reader's resting for he gave up his bed for them again.

"Uh, Jay? What'cha got there?" (a smoothie) Reader asks as they raise a brow.

"Oh! Well, since your foot got stabbed, I figured it'll be kinda hard to walk so I made you some crutches!" Jay says proudly, gesturing to the long metal things that're lying next to Reader.

Ninja x Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now