Can of Worms

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Bro I had the most perfect picture for this chapter, but I think I deleted it on accident bc it's not in my Ninjago Pinterest board and now I'm upset. It was like the Home Alone cover, but it was Kai and the gingerbread and elf that was in the window. It's perfect for this chapter, but apparently, I don't have it anymore. *screams* So, we're not gonna have a picture this chapter bc I will not settle for anything that is not that picture. (if you've seen it, link it to me please)


tw: s3@ring, lotta talk of ch0king, v0m!ting, mention of d3@th & sp!ders there's gonna be a lot of sp!ders in this one

Word Count: 4,652


Reader walks outside but stops to stretch. They see Lloyd saying something to Zane before walking over to them.

"Hey Reader, I saw Jay hauling a bucket of paint around Toad. Might want to make sure he didn't spill on him. Anyway, I gotta go, see ya later!" Lloyd says as he walks by. Alrighty, so this must be the pranking episode. Cool Reader continues walking and passes Zane asking, "What's up?"

"Kai put his ninja gi in my whites." He said coldly.

"Oh damn, are you sure it was him?"


"Alrighty, you go deal with him and I'll go check on Toad." Reader keeps walking but looks back to see Zane angrily putting the just-washed clothes back in the basket that he took them out of. They sigh as they think of the atrocities Lloyd might've done to Toad. (I mean it's pretty obvious he spilled paint on him, but he could've done more, you never know)

"Toad? Come 'ere boy!" Reader calls and Toad flies over and lands in front of them.

"Oh my god! What did he do to you?!" Reader exclaims when they see red paint all over his bones. Toad just tilts his head. Reader runs off and yells, "You stay there, I'll be right back!"


A few minutes later, Reader is running back to Toad, arms full of cleaning stuff. Reader sets down the big bucket of soapy water, grabs the biggest brush they could find, dips it in the water, and begins to scrub.

"This is gonna take forever, hold on." Reader sighs before dropping the brush in the bucket and running back inside to grab a stool.

When Reader passes their room, they hear the boys yelling at each other. They shake their head as they continue walking.

"Hey, Reader! Uh, why are you wet?" Nya asks as they meet in the hallway.

"Oh, apparently Jay spilled paint on Toad, and I'm trying to get it off." Reader replies.

"Oh dear....I can't believe he would do such a thing...."

"Nah, but that's just the thing: I don't think Jay actually did it. It doesn't make any sense, he loved his dragon and loves mine, so why on earth would he damage Toad? He wouldn't. So that's why I don't think it's him. Now, don't get me wrong, I am pissed, but not at Jay. Anyway, I need a stool."

"Uh-they're in the Storage Closet."


"Yep! Earth? Why do they keep saying that? It's kinda weird." Nya mutters the last part to herself, but Reader still heard it as the Storage Closet wasn't ten steps from where they were originally standing. I really need to stop saying that, it's a dead giveaway


Reader grins as they lean back and see that a small patch of the red paint has finally come off. Who would've thought that paint is more of a pain in the ass to get off bones than it is to get it off of anything else? Certainly not Reader.

Ninja x Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now