Chapter 07

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"Huff... Huff..."

Arthur widens his eyes in surprise at the young boy's endurance. He awkwardly looked at and patiently waited for the vice captain's decision. Felix silently stood not moving from his spot as he stared at the two with crossed arms.

5 minutes have already passed in their match. Unlike Arthur who hadn't shown any tiredness, Ian was sweating non-stop, his sword still raised. He gritted his teeth and moved forth again to at least land a hit.

Arthur inwardly pitted the boy. He silently sighed and stood on his ground waiting for his next powerful and swift attack. He couldn't understate his lack of attacks and decisions.

His power behind the attacks is what he needs to worry especially his speed because of his small body. He smacked his sword against Ian's and pushed it with his strength.

Ian struggled as he was pushed back unbalanced. He breathed hard, his muscles screaming from pain. He staggered and fell to the ground on his bottom.

"Hah... Hah..."

Ian looked down at his arm and breathed heavily. He wiped the sweat from his chin weakly.

He tried to adjust his difficulty in breathing, but he was too tired to do that. He gripped the wooden sword tightly in frustration.

'Damn it, if I had been more forceful in my training...'

He didn't need to win to stay in their good eyes, but...

He hardly could look up but he did. He silently stared at the people on the second floor. If you don't look closely enough, you won't be able to notice another presence behind the twins and maids.

Behind them stood a tall person with short black hair that reached over their shoulder. Their eyes glinted against their golden-like amber eyes.

There, the duke herself was silently observing his every move like a hawk watching its prey.

He felt his throat go dry. He was sure. If he doesn't bring all his power in this duel, she won't give any mercy and will make him be of use to her children. Just like those two.

But somehow they are fond of the eldest and are so loyal that it would be hard to separate those three from each other only under the duke's command.

He places his hand on the floor and tries to raise his drenched tired body back up. He could feel his muscles screaming from pain and wanting rest.

Ian couldn't abide by his body's wants and desperately tried to continue the duel.


Felix strongly stood as he watched them from the middle, far from the field. His lips trembled at the boy's strong will.

'Such a talent is here right before our eyes...'

He couldn't help but admire watching their fight. Looking at Ian's struggle, he silently gazed at him. After a few moments, he decided to raise his hand.


His gentle voice was raised so the whole area watching them heard. He slowly fixed his hair into a down tie and walked forward.

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