Blonde Means Danger

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Anne (narrating):
I was so so mad my face reddened almost immediately. I couldn't control myself.

Everyone around us started staring. Regret started coming in as I wished the ground could open up and swallow me. They started taking pictures and laughing as the claimed that "lOvE wAs bLoOmInG bEfOrE tHeIr eYeS". I turned to see the girl blushing, staring angrily at me. One man even pushed us towards each other so we could kiss. I ran away to school feeling embarrassment all over my body.

All of those classes were a living nightmare.

In chem class, the teacher looked at the news in the phone and found a stupid article called (and I quote): "Anne Boonchuy finds her soulmate in the streets, feels love at first sight". Bullshit. Absolute FUCKING BULLSHIT. I was so stupid for yelling at that poor girl. But at the same time it still feels like it was the right thing to do. God, I'm so conflicted.

Everyone burst out laughing. I asked to go to the bathroom and left that class. In the rest of the classes, my asshole classmates told the teachers everything. I heard gossiping. Rumoring. Laughing. Mocking. It was always like that, but this time there was an actual reason behind it and not just a fucking scribbly name written twice on your wrist.

And I still have to go to that music class.

Fuck. My. Life.

I walk home, trying to avoid everything and everyone. Luckily, I succeeded this time. I collapsed in my bed. My mom walks up to me and nudges me. "I'm awake, I'm fine" I reply. "No, you're not." She said. She sat on the bed and made me sit down too. "I know about what happened today." She said calmly. I felt a cold sweat. "That's no way to treat your future wife." "MOOOOOM" I whined. She checked the clock. "We have to go to the class" she said. I rolled my eyes and got up.


Anne (narrating):
I finally got to my class. Everyone stared at me as I put my guitar down. I looked around the room and who did I see? Yes. Sasha Waybright.

"Hello everybody, my name is Hannah and I'll be your music teacher." The tall, red-haired teacher introduced herself. "Hi miss Hannah" everyone said lazily. "Anyways, we're going to see at which level you all are. What's your name blondie?" She asked. "I-It's Sasha" she said.

"Great, what are you going to play?" "A song I wrote myself. It's called heartstomper" she said. "Wow so unique, a song you wrote yourself" I thought to myself. She picked up her electric guitar and started playing.

🎶 I'm a heartstomper 🎶
🎶 Stomping on hearts 🎶
"No shit" I said under my breath. Luckily nobody heard it.
🎶 If you wanna get away 🎶
🎶 You're gonna need a head start🎶

She was going to start singing the chorus when Hannah stopped her. "Great job Waybright" she said. "Next, Jeremy" she made Jeremy stand up. After everyone was playing seconds felt like hours. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. "Anne? Anne Boonchuy?" The teacher said. "Shit, I got distracted" I thought. "Uhm, yeah. I'm going to sing one of my favorite songs called Washing Machine Heart" I replied.

🎶 Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart 🎶
🎶 Baby bang it up inside 🎶
🎶 I'm not wearing my usual lipstick 🎶
🎶 I thought maybe we would kiss tonight 🎶
🎶 Baby will yo- 🎶
"That's enough Annie" she said. So annoying.
"Anyways that was it for today's class, so see you next Thursday!" She spoke and started getting her things. I grabbed my guitar and when I was about to leave, somebody stopped me. It was another girl in the club with short dark hair.
"Hey uhm, you sing pretty nice. M-My name's Marcy by the way" she mumbled. I smiled.
"You play the drums nicely too. Nice to meet you Marcy!" I waved to her and I walked back home.

Hello :) ty for reading my story, it rlly means a lot <3 anyways just wanted to tag Tiny_L_o7 for the new chapter! Bye :D

694 words

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