Are You Trying To Date Me?

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Sasha (narrating):

This might be the worst week of my life. I met my soulmate this week, and even so it's still the worst week of my life. Who does that Anne girl think she is? Does she think that she can do whatever she wants because she's famous? It's pissing me off. I got off the bus and went to my house. I went right to my room since my parents weren't home.

I layed in bed. I heard my phone ding and checked the notification. "hi sasha, i'm anne. ur parents gave me ur number. basically, since we're going to the same school, i need to tell you that things miiight be kinda bad 4 u"

I would've ignored the message, but I had nothing to do so I read it. "Why" I answered.

Anne was a really fast typer. "i normally get picked on a lot because of my wrists... yknow. maybe if we just make a temporary deal to play it off, they'll leave us alone."

"Hmm. I'll think about it" I sent. God, it would suck to ALSO get picked on in school, apart from all the bad things that are happening to me. "ok. can we talk later? also, sorry for yelling at you. i wasn't thinking straight"

"Just so you know, I haven't forgiven you quite yet" "i'll give you time then" Anne replied and went offline. "At least she regrets it" I thought and put some music on.

Anne narrating:

I sent my third assignment and I finally messaged Marcy after talking with Sasha. "hi marcy, i'm anne. you gave me your number in music class" I messaged her. "oh hi!! :3" she replied like, 5 seconds later. "hru?? :)" "well, not so good :/ how about you?" I said. "i've also been kinda bad, i have 1 missing assignment in math..." "yeah, my math teacher sucks. he's always assigning random homework" "i relate :( luckily it's very easy"

I smiled. Talking to Marcy felt nice. Maybe we could become friends, who knows. At least there's more chance to that than with Sasha. It's weird, I really doubt that we'll grow to be friends, not to mention lovers. They say that some soulmates are platonic, but I'm honestly so confused. I'd literally rather have any other person as my soulmate.

"So, how are we going to do this deal thing" Sasha asked me. "i guess just pretend like we're dating already so they'll stop shipping us. they'll hate seeing that i'm 'happy' and won't care anymore" I replied, trying to think logically in a situation where everything is illogical.

A few seconds passed by, and I got a bit anxious. "Boonchuy. Are you trying to date me?" Sasha asked. "WHAT?? NO, we're literally kinda enemies right now, the first impression sucked, but i'm not trying to say that you suck, it's just that things are really complicated right now you know, but it's JUST TO PLAY IT OFF." i sent quickly and desperately. i don't know why i took it so seriously, though.

"Ok, just making sure. So we're just going to act like you're happy and we're happy and like we don't hate each other, and they'll leave us alone?" "i think so" "Kay." Sasha texted and we ended the convo. Man, it's going to be so weird to pretend to be in love with my enemy, who also happens to be my 'soulmate'.

But I guess I don't have a choice.


i actually had it in my notes but i couldn't find it, but now i'm finally publishing this CHAPTER YAYYY!!

sorry for being dead yall, but i hope you enjoyed this chapter! (also hope it was worth the wait lol)

ily all, and stay safe <3 bye!! you are beautiful and gorgeous <33

626 words (woahh angel number)

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