Turning Around

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Sasha (narrating):

"Hey, why do you care so much about who I hang out with? You're not my mom." I hissed at Anne, and put my backpack on my shoulder. I started walking down the stairs. "Sasha- it's the other way." I looked back at Anne and shrugged, making it seem like I did it on purpose. The long stairs gave me enough time to reflect. "Why did I lash out at Anne like that?" I murmured to myself. I thought about the place where I first met her, in the street. When she yelled at me like that. I guess something inside of me told me to not take advice from someone who hated me ever since they were born, probably.

Then I thought when I first met her in my mind, when I was old enough to understand soulmates and all that. In my head, she had black hair, blue eyes and pale skin. I always made fun of her because of her 'incomprehensible' last name, and I'd roll my eyes when I heard the name 'Anne' in public. But sometimes, in dark nights when I couldn't sleep, or when I was too in my own thoughts in a class, I wondered how she was doing. Yeah, she was- is, my soulmate. But I never really thought things would be like this. I looked at my two wrists, the concealer in one of them was smudged already.

I started to think of how the chat with the popular girls went. Reflecting on it, it wasn't pretty. That girl Cristina would watch with eyes like a hawk any person who'd pass and comment on at least 5 bad things about them. But why did I want to be with them? Why'd I believe all the things they said about everyone, including Anne? Oh. Everything kind of clicked. I remembered how I would hope Anne would be nice to me, and that she'd be my friend. Nobody else really spoke to me then, so when I felt lonely, Anne was there. I guess my illusions got crushed when I realized that she isn't what I thought.

Right now, it might not seem like it, but she might be better.

Anne (narrating):

She couldn't even thank me because I led her to the right way. I knew those girls were no good, but I didn't realize she'd wanna be one of them! I sighed, remembering that I've still got to fake date her, and even worse, fake date her at a party full of people I don't like. I was thinking of excuses on how to ditch her at the party, when I suddenly didn't feel another step in the long staircase and fell to my face. "Well, that's an excuse." I thought. I slowly stood up. I fixed my hair and walked out of the school, all the way to my house. 

As I was walking through the muddy pavement, I got a call. 'Sasha Waybright aka fake gf' was the name that lit up my screen. I answered, since I wanted to see if she'd apologize. "Hey Anne... I'm really sorry I lashed out at you, and I know you probably regret letting me go with those girls, but listen." I put my phone to my ear, to hear Sasha more clearly. "I did some reflecting, since those long ass stairs are enough to find the meaning of life, and I realized that... Crap, this takes a lot to admit, but you've been a part of my life for longer than when I met you. Shit, that sounded really cheesy..."

"But, I realized that you, well, probably not you, but the idea I had of you was there for me a lot of the time. You helped me out more than my friends at the moment. And, I know this sounds very stupid and like me trying to justify screaming at you, but it's just to know that... thanks. Oh my god, that was so hard to say. Anyways, you don't have to forgive me just yet, but I hope it gets you in a better mood for the party, I guess? But yeah, bye." The phone call ended right when I got to my house. I opened the door, got in, locked the door, went upstairs to my room, and lied in my bed. 

I think things are turning around.

hey guys!!! so yeah, i wasn't so happy with how the story was going in the last chapter, but now things are, as i said... turning around 😏😏😏 i'm so smart haha

but i hope you liked this chapter! next chapter will be the party so if you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me :) (preferably in the author's note chapter, for future readers to skip for spoilers!)

but tysm for all the support, this story would've probably stayed a 2 chapter story in my notes without you guys ^^

bye bye and drink water! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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