Bad News

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Marcy (narrating):

If I could, I would have time-traveling superpowers. Maybe to prevent a few deaths (more fictional than real, in that matter) but to skip over some classes. But, that could screw up the entire timeline and could open like a billion time holes, altering everything that will happen in history! Crap, I only wanted to skip class and now I'm thinking about if I changed a single decision, if I blinked in the wrong millisecond, if I-

"Hey, you're Marcy, right?" Rose and Emma came closer to me and asked, snapping me back to reality. "Sorry, what?" Emma glanced at Rose. "I said if you're-" "Oh yeah! You're Rose and Emma, right? What happened?" Penny joined in behind them.

"Do you wanna come to our party? It starts at 8, ends at dawn" Rose asked, looking into Marcy's eyes. Marcy looked at the floor. "Uhm, yeah! Or oh... maybe not. I'm not sure, but I'll think about it!" I smiled and Emma rose up her eyebrows and left with Rose. I then saw Anne walk inside the classroom, with that new girl Sasha with her. They smiled at each other, I think they're friends.

I saw Rose and Emma ask them something, I assumed it was the party. They looked at each other before nodding. Huh, maybe I should go too. But, I should probably ask them first. Nevermind, I should go to the cafeteria for food right now.

Anne (narrating):

Rose and Emma almost never talk to me, it's like I'm always there and they know my name but don't notice me. I didn't care though. But now I kinda care because I think they only invited me because Sasha is with me, and they want to know her better.

"Let me guess. Friends?" I looked down. "Not exactly... let's just say they know I exist" Sasha nodded. I started to walk the stairs to go to the cafeteria when I turned around and saw Sasha raising an eyebrow. "Sorry. Forgot you're new." I whispered under my breath and led her to the cafeteria.

"Oh, today is a good day!" I heard Marcy say excitedly, looking at the cafeteria menu. I glanced and saw that today was pasta day. "Ugh, finally, the future is bright!" I saw Sasha giggle although she didn't understand, but abruptly stopped when I looked at her.

She looked down at the floor and we moved on. I felt lots of stares from everywhere, but I tried thinking about anything other than the crappy situation I got myself in. Man, everything would be so easy if soulmates didn't exist.

But maybe some good can come out of it.

"Soo where do you normally sit?" Sasha asked. "Normally in an empty table." Sasha was going to open her mouth when she felt a tap in her back. "Hey, you're the new girl, right? Want to join us?" A girl gestured at some popular girls; Sarah, Cristina and Camila.

"Uhm..." Sasha looked at me, asking if she should go. I decided to let her choose. I shrugged and she mouthed "I'll see what this is about." I nodded as she left. "Horrible decision, my friend." I thought. "Wait. She's not really my friend though. Is she? My brain hurts."

I figured it was best to just eat before I got a full on headache. I saw Marcy sitting alone so I approached her. "Hi Marcy, can I sit with you?" "Sure Anne!" She smiled, as I put my tray in the table.

So we started talking, all casual things like the music we listen to or our fashion style. We had a few laughs, we seemed to overall match a lot. Until she asked about Sasha.

"Her? Oh, she's my... girlfriend." I felt a sick amount of fluttering in my stomach, I never said it out loud and also the pasta was very stiff and even crunchy so maybe I was about to puke. Marcy blinked rapidly. "Your girlfriend? Is she your soulmate too?" "Y-Yeah." I muttered under my breath, looking at the disgusting thing lying in my tray that they had the audacity to refer to as "food".

"Oh, and why is she over there then?" "Oh uhm, she wanted to meet new people." Marcy checked back at their table, looked to both sides and then back at me, as she leaned in a little. "Maybe you should tell her to be careful. Those girls are bad news" She whispered. I raised my eyebrow, only thing I knew about them is that they got attention as if they were neon colors.

"They only seek people for gossip, even each other. I saved myself because I'm clueless 70% of the time, and they just got sick of me rambling about Vagabondia Chronicles." I kept listening.

"But they could use some real advantage of... what was her name?" "Sasha?" "Yes, her. And considering you're her girlfriend it could also affect you a lot too."

I looked back at their table. They were laughing, and I felt a sense of emptiness inside myself. Marcy's right, and I believe her.

"Thank you for warning me." "Eh, it was nothing." The bell rang, and I couldn't help but feel an incomprehensible feeling that the closest thing I could relate it to was "jealousy".

After classes (yes, i'm skipping the classes. you'd like to skip your own classes too right?) I grabbed my backpack quickly and went towards Sasha. "Hey, Marcy told me those girls-"

"Hey, why do you care so much about who I hang out with? You're not my mom." She spoke as she walked out the door. In that moment, I remembered how I felt the first time I saw her, going to school.

I wanted to strangle her.

okay so basically i had this chapter in my phone notes for a while but since i don't have the wattpad app i couldn't upload it-

but now i transferred it to my laptop and i could finally upload!

i know things took a... turn, in here, but trust me things will turn around!

i'll start working on the next chapter right now!

bye guys, and thx for all the support you've given this story :)

1010 words (WHAT-)

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